7月24日,Cell Research杂志在线发表了中科院生物物理研究所刘迎芳课题组等的研究成果,题为Crystal structure of ISG54 reveals a novel RNA binding structure and potential functional mechanisms。该项成果是刘迎芳课题组继抗病毒蛋白ZAP(NSMB. 2012 Mar 11;19(4):430-5)研究工作之后,在干扰素诱导抗病毒蛋白结构与功能研究方面的又一新进展。
干扰素诱导基因56(Interferon-stimulated gene 56, ISG56)家族成员在细胞抵御病毒入侵时发挥重要的作用,但是其功能机制一直不清楚。早期的报道认为,ISG56家族成员ISG54和ISG56可以通过抑制翻译起始复合物的形成来行使抗病毒功能。随后有人发现,该家族成员还影响细胞因子的表达。近来的研究结果表明,ISG54和ISG56可以识别非宿主mRNA从而行使抗病毒功能。尽管这些结果为ISG56家族成员的抗病毒功能提出了可能的机制,但是无法解释其细胞功能机制。
刘迎芳课题组通过解析晶体结构,发现ISG54具有一种全新的RNA结合蛋白结构,该结构含有9个tetratricopeptide repeat-like结构域,形成domain-swapped二体(如图)。ISG54的C端折叠成一个超螺旋结构,可以用来结合病毒mRNA。这些RNA结合位点的关键残基被突变以后,ISG54会丧失其RNA结合能力和抗病毒功能。
研究中还意外发现,ISG54对于RNA的序列具有很强的选择性,其倾向于结合富含AU的RNA,这种结合并不依赖于mRNA Cap和5’三磷酸化特征。进一步的研究表明,ISG54可以结合细胞因子蛋白mRNA非编码区的ARE序列。由于ARE对于调节mRNA的稳定性有重要作用,研究人员推测这可能是ISG54发挥细胞功能的关键。
Crystal structure of ISG54 reveals a novel RNA binding structure and potential functional mechanisms
Zhenlin Yang1,*, Huanhuan Liang1,*, Qian Zhou2,*, Ying Li2, Haiwei Chen3, Wen Ye2, Danying Chen3, Joy Fleming1, Hongbing Shu2 and Yingfang Liu1
Interferon-stimulated gene 56 (ISG56) family members play important roles in blocking viral replication and regulating cellular functions, however, their underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unclear. Here, we present the crystal structure of ISG54, an ISG56 family protein with a novel RNA-binding structure. The structure shows that ISG54 monomers have 9 tetratricopeptide repeat-like motifs and associate to form domain-swapped dimers. The C-terminal part folds into a super-helical structure and has an extensively positively-charged nucleotide-binding channel on its inner surface. EMSA results show that ISG54 binds specifically to some RNAs, such as adenylate uridylate (AU)-rich RNAs, with or without 5′ triphosphorylation. Mutagenesis and functional studies show that this RNA-binding ability is important to its antiviral activity. Our results suggest a new mechanism underlying the antiviral activity of this interferon-inducible gene 56 family member.