2012年9月8日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --钼是从细菌、植物到人类乃至所有生物生存所必须的一种金属物质,但是作为至关重要的一种金属,没有人知道这种重要分子与机体相互作用的重要性以及其分子机制。近日,刊登在国际著名杂志PNAS上的一篇文章中,来自Joel Weiner口腔医学学院的研究者为我们揭开了这个谜题。
金属钼对于人类健康至关重要,但是它并不独立发挥作用,而是被一种有机分子控制并使其吸附至特殊蛋白质-钼酶(molybdenum enzymes)来发挥作用。这种有机分子可以将钼定位在钼酶的特殊位点,这对于细胞发挥功能来说非常复杂和重要,但是目前这种有机分子的结构,研究者并不清楚。
文章中,研究者表示,这中分子天然状态下以两种形式存在-扁平状(flat form)和扭曲状(distorted form),这两种形式的分子功能并不一样,扭曲状形式对于将电子转移至金属钼上非常重要。而扁平状分子可以协同钼酶进行合适定位,其是生化反应链上重要的一部分。
编译自:First Look at Structure of Vital Molecule
Pyranopterin conformation defines the function of molybdenum and tungsten enzymes
Richard A. Rotherya, Benjamin Steinb, Matthew Solomonsona, Martin L. Kirkb, and Joel H. Weinera,1
We have analyzed the conformations of 319 pyranopterins in 102 protein structures of mononuclear molybdenum and tungsten enzymes. These span a continuum between geometries anticipated for quinonoid dihydro, tetrahydro, and dihydro oxidation states. We demonstrate that pyranopterin conformation is correlated with the protein folds defining the three major mononuclear molybdenum and tungsten enzyme families, and that binding-site micro-tuning controls pyranopterin oxidation state. Enzymes belonging to the bacterial dimethyl sulfoxide reductase (DMSOR) family contain a metal-bis-pyranopterin cofactor, the two pyranopterins of which have distinct conformations, with one similar to the predicted tetrahydro form, and the other similar to the predicted dihydro form. Enzymes containing a single pyranopterin belong to either the xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) or sulfite oxidase (SUOX) families, and these have pyranopterin conformations similar to those predicted for tetrahydro and dihydro forms, respectively. This work provides keen insight into the roles of pyranopterin conformation and oxidation state in catalysis, redox potential modulation of the metal site, and catalytic function.