2012年9月14日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自弗莱堡大学的研究者Martin通过研究揭示了线粒体结构的一种新视角,线粒体是细胞的能量工厂,是细胞发挥功能的能量来源。细胞中能量的转化发生在线粒体的生物膜腔内,正常膜结构的缺失可以导致中枢神经系统和肌肉的一系列疾病。
2011年,研究者Martin发现了细胞内膜中的复杂分子机器,如今这项研究中,研究者再次表明,这种分子机器不仅仅对于形成线粒体结构特征有作用,而且对于装配细胞外膜也有重要作用。相关研究成果刊登在了杂志Molecular Biology of the Cell上。
这项研究中,研究者所研究的蛋白质机器,对于维持线粒体内部经典的结构必不可少;同时研究者将蛋白质机器命名为“线粒体内膜组织系统”( Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Organizing System,MINOS)。本文研究中,研究者重点阐述了MINOS在构建线粒体结构上的重要性。而且研究者也发现了MINOS如何将线粒体中截然不同的膜系统联系起来。
膜复合物SAM和TOM在这个过程中扮演着重要角色,于是研究者使用隧道成型结构(tunnel-shaped structures)来将蛋白质运输至线粒体中,并且使蛋白质嵌合到外膜上。研究者表示,MINOS组分Fcj1直接参与到了这个过程中,这对于细胞存活非常重要,Fcj1的生活可以抑制蛋白质组分进入到线粒体的外膜中。
编译自:Molecular Switches in the Cellular Power Plants: Researchers Discover a New Basic Principle of the Architecture of Mitochondria
Role of MINOS in protein biogenesis of the mitochondrial outer membrane
Maria Bohnerta,b,*, Lena-Sophie Wenza,b,*, Ralf M. Zerbesa,b,*, Susanne E. Horvathe, David A. Strouda,†, Karina von der Malsburga,‡, Judith M. Müllera, Silke Oeljeklausc,d, Inge Perschila, Bettina Warscheidc,d, Agnieszka Chacinskaf, Marten Veenhuisg, Ida J. van der Kleig, Günther Daume, Nils Wiedemanna,c, Thomas Beckera,c, Nikolaus Pfannera,c,§, and Martin van der Laana,c,§
Mitochondria contain two membranes, the outer membrane and the inner membrane with folded cristae. The mitochondrial inner membrane organizing system (MINOS) is a large protein complex required for maintaining inner membrane architecture. MINOS interacts with both preprotein transport machineries of the outer membrane, the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) and the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM). It is unknown, however, if MINOS plays a role in the biogenesis of outer membrane proteins. We have dissected the interaction of MINOS with TOM and SAM and report that MINOS binds to both translocases independently. MINOS binds to the SAM complex via the conserved polypeptide transport-associated (POTRA) domain of Sam50. Mitochondria lacking mitofilin, the large core subunit of MINOS, are impaired in the biogenesis of β-barrel proteins of the outer membrane, whereas mutant mitochondria lacking any of the other five MINOS subunits import β-barrel proteins like wild-type mitochondria. We show that mitofilin is required at an early stage of β-barrel biogenesis that includes the initial translocation through the TOM complex. We conclude that MINOS interacts with TOM and SAM independently and that the core subunit mitofilin is involved in biogenesis of outer membrane β-barrel proteins