2012年9月17日 电 /生物谷BIOON/ --CNIO科学家领导的一个研究项目阐明了组织和器官是如何选择“最好”的细胞,“不好”的细胞是如何引起疾病的。来自西班牙国家癌症研究中心(CNIO)的科学家们描述了在细胞水平上也存在着自然选择,研究阐明了我们的身体组织和器官为了抵御疾病是如何努力留住那些最好的细胞。相关研究结果发表在新一期的Cell Reports杂志上。研究由瑞士伯尔尼大学Eduardo Moreno在CNIO开展完成。
最近研究表明Charles Darwin(达尔文)的自然选择在细胞水平上也存在,我们身体中的组织和器官会为了抵御疾病努力留住并保持那些处于最好状态的细胞。
论文的主要作者Fidel Lolo认为这项研究的主要贡献是首次证实了淋巴循环中血细胞在消除细胞残留中发挥的作用。论文合著者Sergio Casas-Tintó补充说,这项研究的结果表明血细胞消除这些残留物即吞噬作用所必需的基因,并不是那些竞争中处于劣势细胞凋亡所必须的基因。Eduardo Moreno认为,研究揭示了吞噬作用并不是细胞死亡的原因,相反是细胞死亡产生的结果,但还需开展更多的研究工作以确定这一点。(生物谷:Bioon.com)
Cell Competition Time Line: Winners Kill Losers, which Are Extruded and Engulfed by Hemocytes
Fidel-Nicolás Lolo, Sergio Casas-Tintó, Eduardo Moreno
Cell competition is a mechanism that eliminates slow dividing cells from a growing population. It is believed that the genes wasp, psr, and draper are active in the cells that win the competition (winner cells) and that they are essential in the winner cells for the induction of apoptosis and for the elimination of the loser cells. Here, we show that lack of those genes in winner cells appears to be dispensable for cell-competition-induced apoptosis and during dmyc-induced supercompetition. Moreover, winner clones do not need those genes in order to preserve their growth advantage. Finally, we find that most of the clearance of the apoptotic debris is not performed by winners but by recruited hemocytes, which are required for the removal of the apoptotic corpses at the very end. Therefore, engulfment is a consequencenot a causeof loser cells' death.