2012年9月18日 电 /生物谷BIOON/ --肌肉能提供干细胞来促进肌肉的生长和受伤肌肉的再生,但肌肉干细胞必须驻留在特殊的部位才能有助肌肉的生长和修复。德尔柏林布吕克分子医学中心(MDC)发育生物学家Dominique Bröhl和Carmen Birchmeier教授已经阐明这些干细胞是如何定植于肌肉干细胞“巢穴”中的。
Colonization of the Satellite Cell Niche by Skeletal Muscle Progenitor Cells Depends on Notch Signals
Dominique Br?hl, Elena Vasyutina, Maciej T. Czajkowski, Joscha Griger, Claudia Rassek, Hans-Peter Rahn, Bettina Purfürst, Hagen Wende,
Skeletal muscle growth and regeneration rely on myogenic progenitor and satellite cells, the stem cells of postnatal muscle. Elimination of Notch signals during mouse development results in premature differentiation of myogenic progenitors and formation of very small muscle groups. Here we show that this drastic effect is rescued by mutation of the muscle differentiation factor MyoD. However, rescued myogenic progenitors do not assume a satellite cell position and contribute poorly to myofiber growth. The disrupted homing is due to a deficit in basal lamina assembly around emerging satellite cells and to their impaired adhesion to myofibers. On a molecular level, emerging satellite cells deregulate the expression of basal lamina components and adhesion molecules like integrin α7, collagen XVIIIα1, Megf10, and Mcam. We conclude that Notch signals control homing of satellite cells, stimulating them to contribute to their own microenvironment and to adhere to myofibers.