2012年9月24日 电 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,冷春港实验室(CSHL)研究人员已经解决了一个重要的神经科学难题:哺乳动物大脑中的祖细胞是如何在复制自己的同时也生成神经元的。
验室教授Van Aels博士和他的同事着手研究视网膜神经节细胞以及锥体神经元的祖细胞--放射性状胶质细胞,放射性状胶质细胞是成熟哺乳动物大脑皮质兴奋性神经细胞类型中最常见的类型。
利用转基因操作小鼠,Van Aelst团队证明,一个称为DOCK7的蛋白质在决定放射性状胶质细胞如何以及何时“决定”是增殖生成更多的祖细胞,还是分化成锥体神经元过程中扮演一个中央调控。研究结果发表在2012年9月号的Nature Neuroscience杂志上。
DOCK7已知在啮齿动物脑的各部分包括海马和皮层中高表达。它已被Van Aelst和同事证明能控制连接神经元轴突的形成。在其新发表的研究, Van Aelst博士和Yu-Ting Yang、Chia-Lin Wang研究生研究人员阐明了DOCK7是如何交替沉默和过表达调节蛋白质的。
DOCK7 interacts with TACC3 to regulate interkinetic nuclear migration and cortical neurogenesis
Yu-Ting Yang,Chia-Lin Wang& Linda Van Aelst
Neurogenesis in the developing neocortex relies on the ability of radial glial progenitor cells (RGCs) to switch from proliferative to differentiative neuron-generating divisions, but the molecular mechanisms that control this switch in a correct temporal manner are not well understood. Here, we show that DOCK7, a member of the DOCK180 family of proteins, regulates RGC proliferation versus differentiation. Silencing of DOCK7 in RGCs of developing mouse embryos impedes neuronal differentiation and maintains cells as cycling progenitors. In contrast, DOCK7 overexpression promotes RGC differentiation to basal progenitors and neurons. We further present evidence that DOCK7 influences neurogenesis by controlling apically directed interkinetic nuclear migration of RGCs. DOCK7 exerts its effects by antagonizing the microtubule growth-promoting function of the centrosome-associated protein TACC3. Thus, DOCK7 interaction with TACC3 controls interkinetic nuclear migration and the genesis of neurons from RGCs during cortical development