2012年9月26日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --磁性纳米颗粒能够正向地影响移植的干细胞的靶向运送。两项刊登于当前一期Cell Transplantation期刊上的研究证实利用这种纳米颗粒如何提供更好的细胞停留能力。
在第一项研究中,来自加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学的研究人员磁性干细胞靶向技术来改善间充质干细胞(mensenchymal stem cell, MSC)运送和传输到测试大鼠的视网膜之中。而在第二项研究中,来自美国洛杉矶市希达-西奈心脏研究所(Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute)的研究人员注射磁性加强的心脏干细胞到遭受缺血再灌注损伤的模式大鼠体内以便引导这些细胞到达靶位置从而增加细胞停留和治疗效果。
在第一项研究中,英属哥伦比亚大学视网膜黄斑退化中心研究员Kevin Gregory-Evans博士说,视网膜退化---为黄斑退化何其他眼睛疾病的病因---能够解释发达世界中的大多数失明病例。在此之前,将间充质干细胞移植到受损视网膜之中只能取得有限的成功,这是因为达到视网膜的细胞非常少,而且是随机分布的。
为了寻求改善干细胞移植到视网膜的方法,研究人员利用超顺磁性氧化铁纳米颗粒(superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle, SPION)让大鼠间充质干细胞磁化。通过一块外部放置的磁铁,他们引导SPION强化的干细胞到测试大鼠的周边视网膜(peripheral retina)之中
在第二项研究中,希达-西奈心脏研究所研究人员说,心脏干细胞代表着一种大有希望的再生受损心肌的候选方法。然而,由于周期性心脏收缩,静脉冲洗(venous washout)导致极低数量的干细胞停留,从而破坏干细胞移植的潜在有益影响。
论文通信作者Eduardo Marban博士说,“因为冠状动脉内干细胞移植受到低数量干细胞停留的限制,所以我们寻求通过磁性靶向作用来改善干细胞停留。”
在简短的主动脉钳夹夹紧期间,研究人员将用铁微球(iron microsphere)标记的心脏干细胞注射到同系大鼠的左心室腔。在24小时之后,他们发现在注射期间和注射额之后放置一块磁铁到心脏之上,干细胞停留能力能够提高了5倍多。
doi: 10.3727/096368911X627435
Focused Magnetic Stem Cell Targeting to the Retina Using Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Yanai, Anat1; Häfeli, Urs O.2; Metcalfe, Andrew L.1; Soema, Peter2; Addo, Lois1; Gregory-Evans, Cheryl Y.1; Po, Kelvin1; Shan, Xianghong1; Moritz, Orson L.1; Gregory-Evans, Kevin
Developing new ways of delivering cells to diseased tissue will be a key factor in translating cell therapeutics research into clinical use. Magnetically targeting cells enables delivery of significant numbers of cells to key areas of specific organs. To demonstrate feasibility in neurological tissue, we targeted cells magnetically to the upper hemisphere of the rodent retina. Rat mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were magnetized using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs). In vitro studies suggested that magnetization with fluidMAG-D was well tolerated, that cells remained viable, and they retained their differentiation capabilities. FluidMAG-D-labeled MSCs were injected intravitreally or via the tail vein of the S334ter-4 transgenic rat model of retinal degeneration with or without placing a gold-plated neodymium disc magnet within the orbit, but outside the eye. Retinal flatmount and cryosection imaging demonstrated that after intravitreal injection cells localized to the inner retina in a tightly confined area corresponding to the position of the orbital magnet. After intravenous injection, similar retinal localization was achieved and remarkably was associated with a tenfold increase in magnetic MSC delivery to the retina. Cryosections demonstrated that cells had migrated into both the inner and outer retina. Magnetic MSC treatment with orbital magnet also resulted in significantly higher retinal concentrations of anti-inflammatory molecules interleukin-10 and hepatocyte growth factor. This suggested that intravenous MSC therapy also resulted in significant therapeutic benefit in the dystrophic retina. With minimal risk of collateral damage, these results suggest that magnetic cell delivery is the best approach for controlled delivery of cells to the outer retina-the focus for disease in age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.
doi: 10.3727/096368911X627381
Magnetic Enhancement of Cell Retention, Engraftment, and Functional Benefit After Intracoronary Delivery of Cardiac-Derived Stem Cells in a Rat Model of Ischemia/Reperfusion
Cheng, Ke; Malliaras, Konstantinos; Li, Tao-Sheng; Sun, Baiming; Houde, Christiane; Galang, Giselle; Smith, Jeremy; Matsushita, Noriko; Marbán, Eduardo
The efficiency of stem cell transplantation is limited by low cell retention. Intracoronary (IC) delivery is convenient and widely used but exhibits particularly low cell retention rates. We sought to improve IC cell retention by magnetic targeting. Rat cardiosphere-derived cells labeled with iron microspheres were injected into the left ventricular cavity of syngeneic rats during brief aortic clamping. Placement of a 1.3 Tesla magnet ∼1 cm above the heart during and after cell injection enhanced cell retention at 24 h by 5.2-6.4-fold when 1, 3, or 5 × 105 cells were infused, without elevation of serum troponin I (sTnI) levels. Higher cell doses (1 or 2 × 106 cells) did raise sTnI levels, due to microvascular obstruction; in this range, magnetic enhancement did not improve cell retention. To assess efficacy, 5 × 105 iron-labeled, GFP-expressing cells were infused into rat hearts after 45 min ischemia/20 min reperfusion of the left anterior coronary artery, with and without a superimposed magnet. By quantitative PCR and optical imaging, magnetic targeting increased cardiac retention of transplanted cells at 24 h, and decreased migration into the lungs. The enhanced cell engraftment persisted for at least 3 weeks, at which time left ventricular remodeling was attenuated, and therapeutic benefit (ejection fraction) was higher, in the magnetic targeting group. Histology revealed more GFP+ cardiomyocytes, Ki67+ cardiomyocytes and GFP−/ckit+ cells, and fewer TUNEL+ cells, in hearts from the magnetic targeting group. In a rat model of ischemia/reperfusion injury, magnetically enhanced intracoronary cell delivery is safe and improves cell therapy outcomes.