2012年10月15日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --在一项新的研究中,来自英国谢菲尔德大学的研究人员开发出一种新的方法来培养在神经修复中发挥着至关重要的施旺细胞(Schwann cell),这是为治疗遭受严重性神经损伤(包括脊髓损伤)的病人而取得的非常重要的一步。
在当前的研究中,在John Haycock教授的领导下,研究人员在大鼠成体组织中开发出一种新的技术来战胜所有这些问题,并且只需一半不到的时间和极低的成本就可培养施旺细胞。他们的方法非常简单:给施旺细胞喂食,同时让成纤维细胞饥饿。他们使用一种只有施旺细胞能够降解和取食的氨基酸,这样只需19天的时间就能够利用少量成体组织培养出纯度为97%的施旺细胞群体。
doi: 10.1038/nprot.2012.118
Integrated culture and purification of rat Schwann cells from freshly isolated adult tissue
Rossukon Kaewkhaw, Andy M Scutt & John W Haycock
We describe a simple, rapid and highly selective protocol for the primary culture of Schwann cells in vitro from freshly dissociated adult rat nerve. The protocol is based on a selective culture medium comprising both mitogens (forskolin and optionally N2 supplement plus bovine pituitary extract), to stimulate growth of Schwann cells, plus an inhibitory substrate to simultaneously restrict fibroblast overgrowth (D-valine), contained in DMEM. This protocol differs from other available methods in that it uses the preferential capacity of Schwann cells to metabolize D-valine because of the difference in expression of a D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) enzyme between Schwann cells and fibroblasts plus the presence of a selective mitogen to stimulate growth of Schwann cells. This permits derivation of highly pure Schwann cells directly from fresh adult nerve. Average Schwann cell purities of 97% can be achieved after 19 d without pre-degeneration, purification or antimitotic steps.