2012年10月23日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --来自比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学(Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB)的研究人员鉴定出负责前列腺出生后发育的多能干细胞(multipotent stem cell)和单能干细胞(unipotent stem cell)。相关研究结果于近期刊登在Nature Cell Biology期刊上。
在这项研究中,在布鲁塞尔自由大学教授和论文通讯作者Cédric Blanpain的领导下,研究人员鉴定出新类型的干细胞,这些干细胞能够产生不同的前列腺细胞系。
前列腺是在膀胱底部包围着尿道的分泌腺,在游动精子到达雌性生殖道过程中,产生精液来提供这些精子的存活所必需的营养、离子和酶。成年人的前列腺是由三种细胞系组成的:基底细胞(basal cell)、管腔细胞(luminal cell)和神经内分泌细胞(neuroendocrine cell)。
为了准确地确定生理条件下前列腺发育时的细胞层次结构,论文共同第一作者Marielle Ousset博士和同事们利用最先进的遗传谱系追踪技术来荧光标记不同类型的前列腺细胞,然后在一段时间内追踪这些标记细胞的命运。研究人员发现多能干细胞和单能干细胞导致前列腺出生后发育。
Marielle Ousset说,“当我们发现多能干细胞确保主要的[前列腺]上皮细胞增殖从而产生单能祖细胞接着产生神经内分泌细胞时,我们感到非常吃惊和兴奋。确实,这些结果与我们最近在乳腺中发现的情形完全相反。乳腺是通过单能干细胞的存在而发育的。”
Cédric Blanpain说,“这些新的研究发现为腺上皮的发育模式建立起一种新的范例。对研究发育、干细胞和前列腺的那些人而言,这些将是非常重要的,而且也为揭示前列腺癌的细胞起源提供新的方法。前列腺癌的细胞起源是一个重要的问题,但是人们迄今为止还未完全解决它。”
doi: 10.1038/ncb2600
Multipotent and unipotent progenitors contribute to prostate postnatal development
Marielle Ousset,1, 6 Alexandra Van Keymeulen,1, 6 Gaëlle Bouvencourt,1 Neha Sharma,1 Younes Achouri,2 Benjamin D. Simons3, 4 & Cédric Blanpain
The prostate is a glandular epithelium composed of basal, luminal and neuroendocrine cells that originate from the urogenital sinus during embryonic development. After birth, the prostate keeps developing until the end of puberty. Here, we used inducible genetic lineage tracing experiments in mice to investigate the cellular hierarchy that governs prostate postnatal development. We found that prostate postnatal development is mediated by basal multipotent stem cells that differentiate into basal, luminal and neuroendocrine cells, as well as by unipotent basal and luminal progenitors. Clonal analysis of basal cells revealed the existence of bipotent and unipotent basal progenitors as well as basal cells already committed to the luminal lineage with intermediate cells co-expressing basal and luminal markers associated with this commitment step. The existence of multipotent basal progenitors during prostate postnatal development contrasts with the distinct pools of unipotent basal and luminal stem cells that mediate adult prostate regeneration. Our results uncover the cellular hierarchy acting during prostate development and will be instrumental in defining the cellular origin and the mechanisms underlying prostate cancer initiation.