2012年10月27日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --来自美国天普大学转化医学中心和宾夕法尼亚大学的研究人员鉴定出一种蛋白控制着钙离子进入细胞的能量源,即线粒体。当钙离子不受控制时,钙离子水平失去控制,从而导致心血管疾病、糖尿病和神经退化性疾病。这些发现有助于人们深入认识线粒体的内在工作机制,并且可能有助于科学家们更好地理解和靶向出错的某些细胞过程以便导致人们开发出治疗疾病的新方法。相关研究结果于2012年10月25日在线刊登在Cell期刊上。
论文共同通信作者Muniswamy Madesh、共同作者Kevin Foskett博士和他们的同事们可能至少部分上解决了这个秘密。他们发现一种分子机制:一种被称作MICU1的线粒体蛋白保护着一种控制多少钙离子进入线粒体中的孔蛋白。他们发现MICU1与钙离子通道孔蛋白MCU一起相互合作来为进入线粒体中的钙离子数量设定一个界限,从而特异性地使得细胞在正常的静息状态下能够维持线粒体中的钙离子水平。
doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.10.011
MICU1 Is an Essential Gatekeeper for MCU-Mediated Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uptake that Regulates Cell Survival
Karthik Mallilankaraman, Patrick Doonan, César Cárdenas, Harish C. Chandramoorthy, Marioly Müller, Russell Miller, Nicholas E. Hoffman, Rajesh Kumar Gandhirajan, Jordi Molgó, Morris J. Birnbaum et al.
Mitochondrial Ca2+ (Ca2+m) uptake is mediated by an inner membrane Ca2+ channel called the uniporter. Ca2+ uptake is driven by the considerable voltage present across the inner membrane (ΔΨm) generated by proton pumping by the respiratory chain. Mitochondrial matrix Ca2+ concentration is maintained five to six orders of magnitude lower than its equilibrium level, but the molecular mechanisms for how this is achieved are not clear. Here, we demonstrate that the mitochondrial protein MICU1 is required to preserve normal [Ca2+]m under basal conditions. In its absence, mitochondria become constitutively loaded with Ca2+, triggering excessive reactive oxygen species generation and sensitivity to apoptotic stress. MICU1 interacts with the uniporter pore-forming subunit MCU and sets a Ca2+ threshold for Ca2+m uptake without affecting the kinetic properties of MCU-mediated Ca2+ uptake. Thus, MICU1 is a gatekeeper of MCU-mediated Ca2+m uptake that is essential to prevent [Ca2+]m overload and associated stress.