2012年11月23日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --染色体是一种较长的线性DNA分子,其可以在末端形成特殊的DNA结构,名为端粒,其对于DNA分子具有保护作用。端粒可以通过与端粒酶以及一些附属蛋白质进行作用来维持其功能及DNA分子的稳定性。来自美国宾夕法尼亚大学威斯达研究所的研究者揭示了酵母中这些关键蛋白质的重要结构。相关研究结果于近日刊登在国际杂志Structure上。
编译自:Aging: Scientists Further Unravel Telomere Biology
Cdc13 OB2 Dimerization Required for Productive Stn1 Binding and Efficient Telomere Maintenance
Mark Mason, Jennifer J. Wanat, Sandy Harper, David C. Schultz, David W. Speicher, F. Brad Johnson, Emmanuel Skordalakes
Cdc13 is an essential yeast protein required for telomere length regulation and genome stability. It does so via its telomere-capping properties and by regulating telomerase access to the telomeres. The crystal structure of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc13 domain located between the recruitment and DNA binding domains reveals an oligonucleotide-oligosaccharide binding fold (OB2) with unusually long loops extending from the core of the protein. These loops are involved in extensive interactions between two Cdc13 OB2 folds leading to stable homodimerization. Interestingly, the functionally impaired cdc13-1 mutation inhibits OB2 dimerization. Biochemical assays indicate OB2 is not involved in telomeric DNA or Stn1 binding. However, disruption of the OB2 dimer in full-length Cdc13 affects Cdc13-Stn1 association, leading to telomere length deregulation, increased temperature sensitivity, and Stn1 binding defects. We therefore propose that dimerization of the OB2 domain of Cdc13 is required for proper Cdc13, Stn1, Ten1 (CST) assembly and productive telomere capping.