2012年12月4日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --从成熟细胞生成干细胞的一种新方法,有望提高实验室中干细胞的生产,帮助消除再生医学疗法的障碍。
索尔克生物研究所(Salk Institute for Biological Studies)研究人员开发的一种新技术,可以获得无限量的干细胞及其衍生物,同时将生产的时间缩短一半还多,从近2个月减少至2周。研究结果已发表于本周的Nature Methods。
研究人员开发了一种重编程方法学,称之为“间接谱系转换(indirect lineage conversion,ILC)”:在短暂暴露于重编程因子后,体细胞被推回至一种可塑性的中间状态,随后再进行分化。
研究人员利用这种方法,成功将人成纤维细胞转变为中胚层祖细胞,这些祖细胞具有双向分化潜能,可分化生成内皮细胞及平滑肌细胞。具体来讲,研究人员将人成纤维细胞转变成了具有双向分化潜能的CD34+祖细胞。在体内,这些分化的内皮细胞,表现出新生血管生成性(neo-angiogenesis)及吻合性(anastomosis )。
该项研究首次证明,这种涉及部分去分化(partial de-differentiation)的重编程策略,在人类细胞中是可行的,可用于多潜能祖细胞的生成。(生物谷bioon.com)
编译自:Faster, safer method for producing stem cells
Conversion of human fibroblasts to angioblast-like progenitor cells
Leo Kurian, Ignacio Sancho-Martinez, Emmanuel Nivet, et al
Abstract:Lineage conversion of one somatic cell type to another is an attractive approach for generating specific human cell types. Lineage conversion can be direct, in the absence of proliferation and multipotent progenitor generation, or indirect, by the generation of expandable multipotent progenitor states. We report the development of a reprogramming methodology in which cells transition through a plastic intermediate state, induced by brief exposure to reprogramming factors, followed by differentiation. We use this approach to convert human fibroblasts to mesodermal progenitor cells, including by non-integrative approaches. These progenitor cells demonstrated bipotent differentiation potential and could generate endothelial and smooth muscle lineages. Differentiated endothelial cells exhibited neo-angiogenesis and anastomosis in vivo. This methodology for indirect lineage conversion to angioblast-like cells adds to the armamentarium of reprogramming approaches aimed at the study and treatment of ischemic pathologies.