2012年12月4日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --利用超高分辨率荧光显微镜,新南威尔士大学(UNSW)诺伊癌症研究中心的医学科学家离了解人体免疫细胞为什么及如何决定激活或不激活、进而阻止疾病又进了一步。
Katharina Gaus教授及其团队,利用了全球各地可获得的一些最先进的超分辨率光学显微镜技术,观察了T细胞中单个蛋白的变化。T细胞是机体免疫系统的主力军。Gaus教授称:“每一天,每一秒,我们的免疫细胞都在做着激活或不激活的决定。每次它们做出决定,结果便是生或者死。”
在发表于Nature Immunology上的文章中,Gaus教授及其团队首次展现了,蛋白激酶分子如何分布于整个细胞膜,一开一关,就像20世纪80年代玩的小精灵电脑游戏一般。
进一步的研究结果已发表于本周的 Nature Communications。(生物谷bioon.com)
编译自:Super-resolution microscope shows how human T-cells make life or death decisions
Conformational states of the kinase Lck regulate clustering in early T cell signaling
Jérémie Rossy, Dylan M Owen, David J Williamson, et al
Abstract:Phosphorylation of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) by the tyrosine kinase Lck is an essential step in the activation of T cells. Because Lck is constitutively active, spatial organization may regulate TCR signaling. Here we found that Lck distributions on the molecular level were controlled by the conformational states of Lck, with the open, active conformation inducing clustering and the closed, inactive conformation preventing clustering. In contrast, association with lipid domains and protein networks were not sufficient or necessary for Lck clustering. Conformation-driven Lck clustering was highly dynamic, so that TCR triggering resulted in Lck clusters that contained phosphorylated TCRs but excluded the phosphatase CD45. Our data suggest that Lck conformational states represent an intrinsic mechanism for the intermolecular organization of early T cell signaling.