美国能源部国家可再生能源实验室与生物能源科学中心的科学家通过将不同的显微成像技术相结合,深入研究生物质细胞壁结构与酶解之间的关系,这些发现将会提高糖的产量,降低生物燃料成本。研究成果发表在“科学”杂志上,题目为:“How Does Plant Cell Wall Nanoscale Architecture Correlate with Enzymatic Digestibility?”
首席科学家Ding SY教授说:新的成像技术使科学家可以查看从毫米到纳米级的植物结构,这样不仅可以研究植物细胞壁的结构,同时也可以研究负责降解细胞壁聚合物的酶及这些酶对细胞壁的作用方式。了解生物质结构的传统方法是化学法,通过破坏各个组成部分以进行分析,这种分析方法将失去结构的完整性。
文章最后的结论认为:理想的预处理材料应该是细胞壁已经除去木质素,并细胞壁内部附着完整的结构多糖的材料,这是一种相对松散、多孔原生状结构,利于酶的进入及讲解。而非出去细胞壁中的海绵状碳水化合物,从而是剩余的部分坍塌更为紧密的结构。 (生物谷Bioon.com)
DOI: 10.1126/science.1227491
How Does Plant Cell Wall Nanoscale Architecture Correlate with Enzymatic Digestibility?
Shi-You Ding1,*,†, Yu-San Liu1,*, Yining Zeng1, Michael E. Himmel1, John O. Baker1, Edward A. Bayer2
Greater understanding of the mechanisms contributing to chemical and enzymatic solubilization of plant cell walls is critical for enabling cost-effective industrial conversion of cellulosic biomass to biofuels. Here, we report the use of correlative imaging in real time to assess the impact of pretreatment, as well as the resulting nanometer-scale changes in cell wall structure, upon subsequent digestion by two commercially relevant cellulase systems. We demonstrate that the small, noncomplexed fungal cellulases deconstruct cell walls using mechanisms that differ considerably from those of the larger, multienzyme complexes (cellulosomes). Furthermore, high-resolution measurement of the microfibrillar architecture of cell walls suggests that digestion is primarily facilitated by enabling enzyme access to the hydrophobic cellulose face. The data support the conclusion that ideal pretreatments should maximize lignin removal and minimize polysaccharide modification, thereby retaining the essentially native microfibrillar structure.