由于受到操作人类组织的伦理限制,大部分该领域的研究都是利用小鼠完成,因此当前对于人类配子的早期发育知之甚少。在近日发表在《自然细胞生物学》(Nature Cell Biology)杂志上的一篇论文中,加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员追踪了6-20周期间人类胎儿早期生殖细胞的发育,并分析了基因开启或关闭的时间。
“这是一篇重要的基础论文,对于了解人类生殖细胞,发现关于人类生殖细胞生物学的基本信息具有重要意义。研究人员显然是在一个未知领域开展研究工作,”爱丁堡大学生殖生物学家Evelyn Telfer说。
“下一步,我们需要看看实验室中缺失了什么能够诱导不成熟生殖细胞成为卵子或精子的东西。如果我们没有线路图可以遵循,那么我们只能是猜测。现在我们获得了这些细胞的快照,知道它们应该像什么样子,我们就可以开始尝试模仿它们,”研究的共同作者Amander Clark说。(生物谷Bioon.com)
The ontogeny of cKIT+ human primordial germ cells proves to be a resource for human germ line reprogramming, imprint erasure and in vitro differentiation
Sofia Gkountela,1, 2 Ziwei Li,1, 2 John J. Vincent,1, 2, 3 Kelvin X. Zhang,4 Angela Chen,5 Matteo Pellegrini1 & Amander T. Clark1, 2, 3, 6
The generation of research-quality, clinically relevant cell types in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells requires a detailed understanding of the equivalent human cell types. Here we analysed 134 human embryonic and fetal samples from 6 to 20 developmental weeks and identified the stages at which cKIT+ primordial germ cells (PGCs), the precursors of gametes, undergo whole-genome epigenetic reprogramming with global depletion of 5mC, H3K27me3 and H2A.Z, and the time at which imprint erasure is initiated and 5hmC is present. Using five alternative in vitro differentiation strategies combined with single-cell microfluidic analysis and a bona fide human cKIT+ PGC signature, we show the stage of cKIT+ PGC formation in the first 16 days of differentiation. Taken together, our study creates a resource of human germ line ontogeny that is essential for future studies aimed at in vitro differentiation and unveiling the mechanisms necessary to pass human DNA from one generation to the next.