再生医学研究的一个重要课题是:清楚地了解干细胞是如何分化为特殊的器官和组织的.现在,加州大学的Santa Barbara为这一领域的研究增添了新的发现,他的研究小组确定了果蝇中决定干细胞产生不同类型的子细胞的机制.这些结果被发布在今日的Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences上.
果蝇是干细胞生物学研究的一个极好的模型.为了观察自然环境中的干细胞,UCSB的分子、细胞和发育生物学教授Denise Montell研究了果蝇的卵巢.通过这些工作,该小组阐明了卵泡细胞分化的最早期阶段.“很明显,简单动物控制细胞行为的基本原理是保守的,即该原理也控制了人类的细胞行为.”她说:“有太多的知识我们可以通过研究简单生物模型来了解.”
castor(Cas)基因编码一个表达于滤泡干细胞(follicle stem cells, FSCs)中的结构核蛋白.研究人员发现在胚胎发育过程中,Cas对产生特殊类型的大脑细胞起到了关键作用,并且帮助维持了整个生命过程中的FSCs.“确定了果蝇中的这一重要蛋白质,我们就能够检测是否人类中该蛋白质的同源物对干细胞及其子代也是重要的.”Montell说:“我们对控制干细胞行为的分子了解的越多,就能更近一步地达到我们控制这些细胞的目标.”
她的研究小组将进化保守的Cas基因与另外2个进化保守的基因hedgehog (Hh)和eyes absent (Eya)置于一个基因回路中,用来决定特化细胞后代的命运.另外,他们还确定了Cas可以作为Hh信号的一个关键的、组织特异的靶标,它不仅在维持FSC方面发挥关键作用,而且还帮助维持了FSC后代的多样化.
Hh在胚胎发育、成人体内平衡,出生缺陷和癌症等多方面发挥作用.Hh拮抗剂目前正在进行临床试验,用以治疗几种类型的癌症.但是由于Hh信号在如此多不同类型的细胞和组织都是重要的, 这一抑制剂的系统性传递可能会导致严重的副作用.因此确定必要的、特定组织的Hh感受器可以更具体地识别治疗目标.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1300725110
Castor is required for Hedgehog-dependent cell-fate specification and follicle stem cell maintenance in Drosophila oogenesis
Yu-Chiuan Changa,1,Anna C.-C. Janga,b,1,Cheng-Han Linb, and Denise J. Montella,c,2
Asymmetric division of stem cells results in both self-renewal and differentiation of daughters. Understanding the molecules and mechanisms that govern differentiation of specific cell types from adult tissue stem cells is a major challenge in developmental biology and regenerative medicine. Drosophila follicle stem cells (FSCs) represent an excellent model system to study adult stem cell behavior; however, the earliest stages of follicle cell differentiation remain largely mysterious. Here we identify Castor (Cas) as a nuclear protein that is expressed in FSCs and early follicle cell precursors and then is restricted to differentiated polar and stalk cells once egg chambers form. Cas is required for FSC maintenance and polar and stalk cell fate specification. Eyes absent (Eya) is excluded from polar and stalk cells and represses their fate by inhibiting Cas expression. Hedgehog signaling is essential to repress Eya to allow Cas expression in polar and stalk cells. Finally, we show that the complementary patterns of Cas and Eya reveal the gradual differentiation of polar and stalk precursor cells at the earliest stages of their development. Our studies provide a marker for cell fates in this model and insight into the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which FSC progeny diverge into distinct fates.