输血是一种不可缺少的细胞疗法,血供应的安全性和充足性也一直备受关注。去年,美国马里兰州负责统计血液供应和需求的国家血液资源中心报告称,美国的血液供应因需求大大超过供给而趋于干涸,许多州已严重缺血。一些地区的红十字会官员说,血液严重短缺迫使非急诊手术延期。墨菲表示:“用病人自己的iPS细胞生成的红血细胞和血小板有望解决与免疫排斥和污染有关的问题,也有望减少可预见的血液短缺和献血需求。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Blood doi: 10.1182/blood-2012-11-466722
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor directs hematopoietic progenitor cell expansion and differentiation
Brenden W. Smith1, Sarah S. Rozelle, Amy Leung, Jessalyn Ubellacker, Ashley Parks, Shirley K. Nah, Deborah French, Paul Gadue, Stefano Monti, David H.K. Chui, Martin H. Steinberg, Andrew L. Frelinger, Alan D. Michelson6, Roger Theberge, Mark E. McComb, Catherine E. Costello, Darrell N. Kotton, Gustavo Mostoslavsky, David H. Sherr, and George J. Murphy,*
The evolutionarily conserved aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) has been studied for its role in environmental chemical-induced toxicity. However, recent studies demonstrate that the AhR may regulate the hematopoietic and immune systems during development in a cell-specific manner. These results, together with the absence of an in vitro model system enabling production of large numbers of primary human hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPs) capable of differentiating into megakaryocyte- and erythroid-lineage cells, motivated us to determine if AhR modulation could facilitate both progenitor cell expansion and megakaryocyte and erythroid cell differentiation. Using a novel, iPSC-based, chemically-defined, serum and feeder cell-free culture system, we show that a functional AhR is expressed in HPs, and that remarkably, AhR activation in these HPs drives an unprecedented expansion of HPs, megakaryocyte- and erythroid-lineage cells. Further AhR modulation within rapidly expanding progenitor cell populations directs cell fate, with chronic AhR agonism permissive to erythroid differentiation and acute antagonism favoring megakaryocyte specification. These results highlight the development of a new, GMP-compliant platform for generating virtually unlimited numbers of human HPs with which to scrutinize red blood cell and platelet development, including the assessment of the role of this environmental chemical receptor in critical cell fate decisions during hematopoiesis.