尽管前路坎坷,但“万能细胞”带来的福祉似已越来越近。2012年,日本名古屋大学医学系曾从高龄老鼠身上提取iPS细胞用于再造血管,其改善血液循环等方面的作用在观察中得到认可。而今,以人体iPS细胞制造的血管已能在实验鼠体内工作长达九个多月,这项技术如能切实运用于人体,对脑梗塞、动脉硬化及糖尿病患者的巨大意义,值得所有付出过的努力。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1310675110
Generation of functionally competent and durable engineered blood vessels from human induced pluripotent stem cells
Rekha Samuela,1,2, Laurence Daheronb,2, Shan Liaoa,2, Trupti Vardama,2, Walid S. Kamouna, Ana Batistaa, Christa Bueckerb,3, Richard Schäferb,3, Xiaoxing Hana, Patrick Aua,4, David T. Scaddenc, Dan G. Dudaa, Dai Fukumuraa,5, and Rakesh K. Jaina,5
Efficient generation of competent vasculogenic cells is a critical challenge of human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cell-based regenerative medicine. Biologically relevant systems to assess functionality of the engineered vessels in vivo are equally important for such development. Here, we report a unique approach for the derivation of endothelial precursor cells from hiPS cells using a triple combination of selection markers—CD34, neuropilin 1, and human kinase insert domain-containing receptor—and an efficient 2D culture system for hiPS cell-derived endothelial precursor cell expansion. With these methods, we successfully generated endothelial cells (ECs) from hiPS cells obtained from healthy donors and formed stable functional blood vessels in vivo, lasting for 280 d in mice. In addition, we developed an approach to generate mesenchymal precursor cells (MPCs) from hiPS cells in parallel. Moreover, we successfully generated functional blood vessels in vivo using these ECs and MPCs derived from the same hiPS cell line. These data provide proof of the principle that autologous hiPS cell-derived vascular precursors can be used for in vivo applications, once safety and immunological issues of hiPS-based cellular therapy have been resolved. Additionally, the durability of hiPS-derived blood vessels in vivo demonstrates a potential translation of this approach in long-term vascularization for tissue engineering and treatment of vascular diseases. Of note, we have also successfully generated ECs and MPCs from type 1 diabetic patient-derived hiPS cell lines and use them to generate blood vessels in vivo, which is an important milestone toward clinical translation of this approach.