生活中,鲜活农产品要通过长途运输而不变质,就必须对运输车辆进行改造,加装制冷或输氧等设备。医学上,纳米氧化铁粒子就是一种备受关注的运输工具,作为一种新型靶向给药系统,它可在外加磁场控制下,将药物准确运到患处,实现使命必达。然而,如果把死的药物变成了活的干细胞,并让干细胞在生物体内的长途旅行中保持活力,就必须对载体进行表面改性,以增强其稳定性和生物相容性等,这便是本成果的核心价值所在。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Small DOI: 10.1002/smll.201300570
Magnetic Targeting of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Internalized Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Natalia Landázuri, Sheng Tong, Jin Suo, Giji Joseph, Daiana Weiss, Diane J. Sutcliffe, Don P. Giddens, Gang Bao, W. Robert Taylor
Cell therapies offer exciting new opportunities for effectively treating many human diseases. However, delivery of therapeutic cells by intravenous injection, while convenient, relies on the relatively inefficient process of homing of cells to sites of injury. To address this limitation, a novel strategy has been developed to load cells with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIOs), and to attract them to specific sites within the body by applying an external magnetic field. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated using human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs), which may have a significant potential for regenerative cell therapies due to their ease of isolation from autologous tissues, and their ability to differentiate into various lineages and modulate their paracrine activity in response to the microenvironment. The efficient loading of hMSCs with polyethylene glycol-coated SPIOs is achieved, and it is found that SPIOs are localized primarily in secondary lysosomes of hMSCs and are not toxic to the cells. Further, the key stem cell characteristics, including the immunophenotype of hMSCs and their ability to differentiate, are not altered by SPIO loading. Through both experimentation and mathematical modeling, it is shown that, under applied magnetic field gradients, SPIO-containing cells can be localized both in vitro and in vivo. The results suggest that, by loading SPIOs into hMSCs and applying appropriate magnetic field gradients, it is possible to target hMSCs to particular vascular networks.