近日,国际学术期刊《生物化学杂志》JBC在线发表了中科院上海巴斯德所张岩研究组的最新研究成果:MLL5 Protein Regulates Cell Cycle Progression and E2F1-responsive Gene Expression via Association with HCF-1。该成果揭示了一种组蛋白H3K4甲基转移酶MLL5蛋白调节细胞周期的新机制,为探讨MLL5调节造血干细胞“自我更新”分子作用机理做了前期研究。
Mixed Lineage Leukemia 5 (MLL5)蛋白是Trithorax (TrxG)蛋白家族的重要成员,MLL5编码基因定位在人染色体7q22区域,是人类急性髓性白血病(Acute Myeloid Leukemia, AML)的重要致病基因。该研究组前期通过对Mll5“基因敲除”的小鼠的研究发现,Mll5基因对造血免疫细胞的发生发育起着重要的调节作用,但其作用的具体分子机制并未被完全阐明。
本研究中,硕士研究生周培培和助理研究员王之龙等在张岩研究员的指导下,通过蛋白质谱测序,发现MLL5蛋白可以和细胞周期调节因子“Host Cell Factor 1”(HCF-1)相互结合, MLL5蛋白中一个新发现的HBM结构域和HCF-1蛋白的Kelch结构域介导了二者的结合。激光共聚焦显微镜实验发现,MLL5蛋白与HCF-1蛋白共定位在细胞核内核仁外的区域。
此外,与TrxG蛋白家族其它成员不同,MLL5蛋白在行使H3K4三甲基化功能时,不依赖于包括ASH2L、RBBP5和WDR5等核心蛋白组分形成的支架结构,但却包含氧连N-乙酰葡萄糖胺转移酶(O-GlcNAc Transferase,OGT),提示MLL5使用了迥异于其它TrxG蛋白家族成员的分子机制来发挥其H3K4三甲基化酶的活性。
Mixed Lineage Leukemia 5 (MLL5) Regulates Cell Cycle Progression and E2F1-responsive Gene Expression via Association with Host Cell Factor-1 (HCF-1)
Peipei Zhou1, Zhilong Wang1, Xiujie Yuan1, Cuihong Zhou1, Lulu Liu1, Xiaoling Wan1, Feng Zhang1, Xiaodan Ding1, Chuangui Wang2, Sidong Xiong3, Zhen Wang4, Jinduo Yuan4, Qiang Li5 and Yan Zhang1*
Trithorax group proteins methylate lysine 4 of histone3 (H3K4) at active gene promoters. MLL5 protein, a member of the Trithorax protein family, has been implicated in the control of the cell cycle progression; however, the underlying molecular mechanism(s) have not been fully determined. In this study, we found that the MLL5 protein can associate with the cell cycle regulator host cell factor (HCF-1). The interaction between MLL5 and HCF-1 is mediated by the HCF-1 Binding Motif (HBM) of the MLL5 protein and the Kelch domain of the HCF-1 protein. Confocal microscopy showed that MLL5 protein largely colocalized with HCF-1 in the nucleus. Knockdown of MLL5 resulted in reduced cell proliferation and cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase. Moreover, down-regulation of the E2F1 target gene expression and decreased H3K4me3 levels at E2F1-responsive promoters were observed in MLL5 knockdown cells. Additionally, the core subunits, including ASH2L, RBBP5, and WDR5, that are necessary for effective H3K4 methyltransferase activities of the Trithorax protein complexes, were absent in the MLL5 complex, suggesting that a distinct mechanism may be used by MLL5 for exerting its H3K4 methyltransferase activity. Together, our findings demonstrate that MLL5 could associate with HCF-1 and then be recruited to E2F1-responsive promoters to stimulate H3K4 trimethylation and transcriptional activation, thereby facilitating the cell cycle G1-to-S phase transition.