北京大学生命科学学院邓宏魁研究组和北京大学定量生物学中心汤超研究组合作,首次证明小鼠体细胞重编程可由调控分化的基因完成,并在此基础上提出细胞命运决定的“跷跷板模型”。2013年5月23日,该成果研究论文“Induction of pluripotency in mouse somatic cells with lineage specifiers”于《细胞》(Cell)期刊以封面文章形式在线发表。《细胞》同期还配发了希伯来大学Nissim Benvenisty教授对该工作的评论文章。
2006年,日本科学家Shinya Yamanaka发现向小鼠体细胞转入胚胎干细胞特异因子(OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, c-MYC)可以完成体细胞的重编程。在此之后,细胞重编程领域普遍认为向目标细胞状态的转变需要依赖于在目标细胞中特异高表达的因子的诱导。因此目前发现的能在细胞重编程中发挥作用的因子均在胚胎干细胞中高表达并且与细胞干性维持紧密相关。
邓宏魁研究组的博士生舒健、吴晨、吴业涛与汤超研究组的博士生李志远为共同第一作者,邓宏魁研究组的博士后赵扬也在这一工作中发挥了关键作用。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
图2. 细胞命运决定的“跷跷板模型”
Cell Doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.05.001
Induction of pluripotency in mouse somatic cells with lineage specifiers
Jian Shu, Chen Wu, Yetao Wu, Zhiyuan Li, Sida Shao, Wenhui Zhao, Xing Tang, Huan Yang, Lijun Shen, Xiaohan Zuo, Weifeng Yang, Yan Shi, Xiaochun Chi, Hongquan Zhang, Ge Gao, Youmin Shu, Kehu Yuan, Weiwu He, Chao Tang, Yang Zhao, Hongkui Deng
The reprogramming factors that induce pluripotency have been identified primarily from embryonic stem cell (ESC)-enriched, pluripotency-associated factors. Here, we report that, during mouse somatic cell reprogramming, pluripotency can be induced with lineage specifiers that are pluripotency rivals to suppress ESC identity, most of which are not enriched in ESCs. We found that OCT4 and SOX2, the core regulators of pluripotency, can be replaced by lineage specifiers that are involved in mesendodermal (ME) specification and in ectodermal (ECT) specification, respectively. OCT4 and its substitutes attenuated the elevated expression of a group of ECT genes, whereas SOX2 and its substitutes curtailed a group of ME genes during reprogramming. Surprisingly, the two counteracting lineage specifiers can synergistically induce pluripotency in the absence of both OCT4 and SOX2. Our study suggests a “seesaw model” in which a balance that is established using pluripotency factors and/or counteracting lineage specifiers can facilitate reprogramming