Calcium: A local store
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The nucleus contains a nucleoplasmic reticulum with the capacity to regulate calcium signals in localized subnuclear regions.
Free Ca2+ in the nucleus can regulate important functions such as gene transcription. But how is the nuclear level of free Ca2+ controlled? In the models that have been proposed so far, Ca2+ simply reaches the nuclear interior from the nuclear envelope (NE) by diffusion — a mechanism that would only allow the nucleus to be regulated uniformly by Ca2+. However, this is not what occurs, so could the nucleus have its own local Ca2+ store? Nathanson and colleagues now provide the answer to this question in Nature Cell Biology.
In SKHep1 epithelial cells, the authors used the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dye ER-Tracker to detect a nucleoplasmic reticulum — a fine, branching intranuclear network that is continuous with the ER and the NE. They confirmed the presence of this structure by showing that the ER protein calreticulin was distributed in a reticular pattern in the nucleus, as well as in the cytosol, of SKHep1 cells.
Nathanson and co-workers next showed that fluorescent Ca2+ dyes also labelled this intranuclear network, and they used fluorescence recovery after photobleaching to confirm that the dyes were membrane-enclosed, rather than membrane-bound. These results therefore show that there is a nuclear Ca2+-storing network that is continuous with the ER and the NE.
Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptors mediate Ca2+ signalling in SKHep1 cells, and the authors found that the type II InsP3 receptor isoform is enriched in the nucleus of these cells. This isoform is expressed, in part, along the nucleoplasmic reticulum, but what do these intranuclear InsP3 receptors do?
The authors developed a new technique to answer this question — a technique that allowed them to photorelease intranuclear nitrophenylethyl ester (NPE)-caged InsP3 in a highly localized fashion in individual cells using two-photon excitation. When they photoreleased InsP3 within 1 µM of the nucleoplasmic reticulum, they detected small increases in Ca2+ that began at the nucleoplasmic reticulum and were greatest at the site of InsP3 release. These data allowed them to conclude that "...the nucleoplasmic reticulum is an InsP3-gated calcium store that can give rise to local calcium signals in the nuclear interior".
Finally, Nathanson and colleagues monitored how the distribution of protein kinase C- (PKC-), which contains a Ca2+-sensitive regulatory domain, is affected by Ca2+. They photoreleased Ca2+ in either the nucleus or the cytosol and examined the effect on the distribution of green fluorescent protein (GFP)–PKC-. They found that nuclear Ca2+ signals altered the distribution of nuclear, not cytosolic, GFP–PKC- and vice versa, which indicates that nuclear and cytosolic Ca2+ signals can have effects that are independent of one another.
This work has therefore shown that "...the nucleus contains a nucleoplasmic reticulum with the capacity to regulate calcium signals in localized subnuclear regions". This discovery potentially explains how the nucleus can regulate several, independent Ca2+-dependent processes simultaneously, and might have revealed a new layer of Ca2+ control.
Rachel Smallridge
Echevarria, W. et al. Regulation of calcium signals in the nucleus by a nucleoplasmic reticulum. Nature Cell Biol. 5, 440–446 (2003) | Article | PubMed |