研究人员发现了一批新的化石,是神秘的、前寒武纪的埃迪亚加拉(Ediacaran)动物的化石,化石保留着三维的特性。埃迪亚加拉动物被认为是寒武纪大爆发的“导火索”。因为埃迪亚加拉动物是软体的,所以它们的化石很难找到,人们对它们也缺乏了解。加拿大纽芬兰的错误点(Mistaken Point)有埃迪亚加拉动物的化石集合,在此之前研究人员在那里只发现过二维的印记样品。现在,Guy M. Narbonne描述了一组从这个化石集合中找到的三维的化石,其中有保存下来的30微米之小的特征。和其他在错误点找到的同类化石一样,这些生物体看起来有点像植物,有从干上分支出来的被称为“小叶(frondlet)”的结构。这些小叶结构可能是由茎支撑在海底上面,自由地漂浮的。新化石还展示了一些以前没有看到过的小叶排列。Narbonne说,现代动物没有明显的类似结构。
Modular Construction of Early Ediacaran Complex Life Forms
Newly discovered, exceptionally preserved, soft-bodied fossils near Spaniard's Bay in northeastern Newfoundland exhibit features not previously described from Ediacaran (terminal Neoproterozoic) fossils. All of the Spaniard's Bay taxa were composed of similar architectural elements--centimeter-scale frondlets exhibiting three orders of fracticality in branching. Frondlets were combined as modules atop semi-rigid organic skeletons to form a wide array of larger constructions, including frondose and plumose structures. This architecture and construction defines the "rangeomorphs," a biological clade that dominated the Mistaken Point assemblage (575-560 Ma) but does not appear to be related to any Phanerozoic or modern organisms.