THEY may not be starving themselves on a lettuce diet after all. The real secret behind stick-thin supermodels and actresses has been revealed to be their mothers.
Geneticists have discovered a "thinness" gene that is passed down through families from mothers to their children.
The researchers found that women carrying the gene were skinnier than those without it and that their children were also more likely to inherit their mother's slight build if they had the gene.
It may help explain how some of the world's most glamorous women are able to maintain their slimline figures so easily. Superslim models Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss both have skinny mothers. One of the original "supermodels", the statuesque Texan Jerry Hall, appears to have passed on a thinness gene to her daughter Elizabeth Jagger. TV star Jane Seymour appears to have done the same for her actress daughter Katie Flynn.
The researchers claim that because the gene is passed down maternally, fathers - regardless of the size of their beer belly - play little role in determining the body shape of their children, although other paternal factors may influence weight in later life.
The gene was identified by Dr Jo Poulton and her team at the genetics department of Oxford University inside stretches of genetic material responsible for metabolism known as mitochondrial DNA.
Poulton believes people with the gene may have a faster metabolism that allows them to get rid of fat rather than storing it. She estimates that around 8% of the population carry the gene.
"We demonstrated a significant association between the variant and thinness in both mothers and their 20-year-old offspring," said Poulton. "We don't fully understand the mechanisms yet but this mitochondrial DNA seems to pass the likelihood of thinness from mothers to their children. It may explain why families can have several generations of very thin people."
The current generation of top models have been accused of starving themselves into the shape required for the catwalk and providing poor role models for teenage girls. Style experts said they would welcome a different scientific explanation for their look. "Often when you see celebrities with their mothers in public you can see the similarities between their bodies and it is even more striking when you see how their mothers used to look," said Leoni Roberts, from the Federation of Image Consultants. "Naomi Campbell springs to mind as she and her mother, who was a dancer, look so similar they could be sisters.
Former model Freda Bartlet, 40, from Glasgow, believes the research may explain why the women in her family have such a slim build.
Her daughter Haley, 16, has a 23 inch waist and works for Glasgow-based modelling agency Model Team. "When I was Haley's age I used to eat constantly and never put on any weight as I had such a fast metabolism," said Bartlet. "I weighed about seven and a half stone. My mother was exactly the same and now Haley is taking after us. She often wears some of my clothes from when I was younger."
The Oxford study examined the DNA of 161 white, middle-class mothers and their 20-year-old children before comparing the results against their Body Mass Index, a measure of body fat using weight and height. Poulton found that women carrying the gene had an average BMI of 21.9kg/m2 compared with 23.5kg/m2 in those who lacked it.
Earlier research showed that women who carried the gene also gave birth to smaller babies. But Poulton warned that while the gene may protect against getting fat, it may cause other problems in later life.
She said: "When the gene is present in babies, children and young people it seems to confer a thinner physique but we don't yet know what happens when those people get into their sixties.
"Previous research has also found people with this gene have a higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes in later life, particularly if they eat a high fat diet. We think it might be something known as a 'thrifty gene', which was advantageous when food was scarce by allowing more efficient use of food. It can cause problems now food is so abundant all the time."
Poulton also explains that the gene can only be passed down by mothers to their children because mitochondrial DNA is usually only inherited maternally. It means that a father's genetic make-up may play little part in the body-shape of their offspring.
Dr Colin Palmer, an expert on obesity at Dundee University, said the research shed new light on the understanding of how genetics can effect a person's weight. He said: "There have been genes identified for obesity and they are to do with eating behaviour and regulation of appetite. This research seems to come at it from the other angle, but it would make sense as mitochondrial DNA is totally vital to energy balance and how the body adapts to overeating."
A spokesman for the Eating Disorder Association added: "We welcome any research that helps us understand the reasons that lead to people developing eating disorders."
This article: http://news.scotsman.com/scitech.cfm?id=2349862005