Fig. 1. Formation of the macroporous hydrogel. (a) Schematic of the macroporous process. (b) Photograph of isotropic hydrogel (Left) and macroporous hydrogel (Right). The gels are 5 mm in diameter. (c) SEM micrograph of a salt-leached scaffold used to create the macroporous architecture. (d and e) SEM micrographs of an isotropic hydrogel (d) and a macroporous hydrogel (e). The macropores, created by casting the hydrogel around the salt-leached scaffold, are evident. (f and g) Cross sections of the isotropic (f) and macroporous (g) hydrogel labeled with FITC to demonstrate the pore structure of the gels. The FITC labels the amines in the polylysine component of the hydrogel.
对身体组织来说,要存活就必须通过最细的血管来提供氧气。这项由Erin Lavik领导的研究证明这种血管精细网络是可能制造出来的。进一步的显微镜分校证明这种血管网络在移植时很稳定(长达6周)并且能够更大的血管结构连接起来。
Ford MC, Bertram JP, Hynes SR, Michaud M, Li Q, Young M, Segal SS, Madri JA, Lavik EB.A macroporous hydrogel for the coculture of neural progenitor and endothelial cells to form functional vascular networks in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Feb 10