血细胞寿命有限,要求肌体不断地更新血液。欧洲分子生物学实验室(European Molecular Biology Laboratory,EMBL)研究员Claus Nerlov率领的研究小组和瑞典Lund大学Sten Eirik Jacobsen实验室合作,揭示细胞内与血细胞更新有关的信号传递途径(此信号途径发生缺陷或者干细胞发育缺陷经常会导致白血病等疾病)。研究结果刊登于本周电子版《Nature Immunology》杂志。
正常情况下,造血干细胞要经历数不尽的过渡阶段才能完全分化成熟。分化过程中有几种血细胞完全消失了。相同的情况发生在比造血干细胞还要“分化原始状态”的骨髓(bone marrow)。骨髓是重要的造血及免疫器官。血液的所有细胞成分都来源于造血干细胞,其中髓系细胞(红细胞系、粒细胞系、单核细胞系与巨核细胞-血小板系)是完全在骨髓内分化生成的;淋巴系细胞(T细胞与B细胞)的发育前期是在骨髓内完成,但是B细胞和T细胞通过不同的途径在发育的早期即已开始分道扬镳。暗示这些分化过程可能由Wingless途径中的某些蛋白控制。β-catenin引人注目,其在干细胞离开骨髓干细胞库之前就已经为细胞指明了发育方向。
A group of molecules controls the numbers and types of blood cell
Scientists have uncovered a group of molecules that controls the numbers and types of blood cell in the body. Defects in this system frequently lead to leukaemia and other diseases. The researchers hope their findings will contribute to our understanding of the intracellular processes that can lead to cancers.
Scientists identified a number of molecular pathways in cells which control major biological processes. They are usually switched on and off by external factors, helping cells respond to their environment. One, the 'Wingless' pathway is found in almost all animals, where it plays a fundamental role in the development of tissues and organs. It also manages stem cells; deciding when they should remain as stem cells and when they should differentiate into other types of cell.
In the current study, researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the University of Lund in Sweden investigated what happens when the Wingless pathway is too active in blood stem cells in mice. Their findings are published in the latest edition of Nature Immunology.
'We modified one element of the pathway, a protein called beta-catenin, so that it was stuck in 'transmission mode',' explained Peggy Kirstetter of the EMBL. 'This created cells in which the pathway was always switched on. We've known that Wingless contributes to blood differentiation, but didn't know how the signals were being transmitted within the hematopoietic stem cell.'
When the pathway is working normally, stem cells go through several steps before becoming fully differentiated blood cells. When the researchers stimulated the pathway, several types of blood cell disappeared completely, while others had their development blocked at various stages of differentiation. In mouse bone marrow, some types of stem cell disappeared, while others were too frequent.
The researchers' results show that beta-catenin plays a key role in determining whether blood cells form or not. Furthermore, beta-catenin seems to make cells take decisions about their fate before they leave the stem cell compartment in the bone marrow.
Claus Nerlov of the EMBL explained the implications of his team's findings. 'We know there are strong connections to cells' decisions to divide, to develop, or to die,' he said. 'If cells don't commit themselves to the right developmental path at the right time, they're very likely to die or to begin and inappropriate type of reproduction. Acute leukemias and other forms of cancer cells derive from defects such as this. Understanding the processes by which they form will require pinpointing the forks in the road where things go wrong.'