该研究的首席科学家Emilien Delmont博士说:“这表明临床判断仍然是诊断多灶性运动神经病的金标准。
马里兰州巴尔地摩市约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的Vinay Chaudhry博士,也是这篇文章的共同通讯作者,他说他认同这种方法。
Immunoglobulin May Be Useful in Multifocal Motor Neuropath
Certain patients with multifocal motor neuropathy with or without apparent conduction block respond to IV immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy, according to French researchers.
"This study shows that clinical judgment remains the gold standard in diagnosis of multifocal motor neuropathies," lead investigator Dr. Emilien Delmont told Reuters Health.
"Hence, a trial of IVIg may be prescribed for selected patients presenting with chronic asymmetric motor weakness with a peripheral nerve distribution without any conduction block being detected in the nerve conduction study," he added.
In the August issue of Neurology, Dr. Delmont of Hopital Pasteur, Nice and colleagues note that they came to this conclusion after studying data on 20 such patients with conduction block and 13 without. They had been followed for more than 4 years. All had asymmetric motor weakness without sensory, bulbar or respiratory signs, and no upper motor neuron involvement.
Few significant differences were seen between groups, but involvement of the median nerve was significantly less frequent in patients without conduction block. This was also true of proximal weakness.
The efficacy of IVIG was similar in both groups, with responses in 8 (61%) of patients without conduction block and 14 (70%) with conduction block.
Dr. Vinay Chaudhry of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, author of an accompanying editorial, told Reuters Health that he agreed with the approach.
"A trial of IVIg may be justified in patients with progressive distal asymmetric weakness in a multifocal peripheral nerve distribution even if they don't have conduction block on nerve conduction studies," he said.