来自洛克菲勒大学植物分子生物学实验室等处的研究人员发现了一种植物中用以逃避RNA沉默(RNA silencing)的新病毒策略,这一研究成果公布在新一期的《Genes & Development》杂志上。
虽然植物有这种防御手段,但是仍然有一些病毒能抑制RNA沉默作用,这在以前的研究中就已经被发现了,然而在这篇研究报告中,首次发现了一个沉默途径中清晰绑定的受动蛋白(effector protein):研究人员在拟南芥和体外实验中都证明黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)(世界上分布最广的植物病毒之一)蛋白2b可以结合并抑制Argonaute蛋白1,从而绕过植物的抗病毒应答系统。
RNAi的机制目前研究认为是细胞内双链RNA在Dicer酶的作用下,可形成-22 bp大小的小干扰RNA(small interfering RNA,siRNA),siRNAs可进一步掺入多部分核酸酶(multicomponent nuclease)等形成的RNA沉默复合体(RNA-induced silencing complex,RISC)并使其激活,从而精确降解与siRNAs序列相同的mRNA,完全抑制了该基因在细胞内的翻译和表达。
在这个过程中,RNAi沉默复合物RISC有一个重要成份,即称为Argonaute的蛋白家族(或EIF2C蛋白),研究人员结合生物化学与遗传学的方法发现CMV 2b可以通过与Argonaute 1作用,抑制内源性的microRNA过程和病毒诱导的基因沉默过程,但是具体的机制尚不清楚。
科学家们一直以来都不清楚到底抗病毒的Slicer是什么,这一研究就证明最起码Argonaute 1蛋白可以扮演Slicer的角色,当然这并不是说Argonaute 1就是唯一的抗病毒Slicer,Argonaute家族的十几种蛋白都有可能是。
The RNA silencing endonuclease Argonaute 2 mediates specific antiviral immunity in Drosophila melanogaster
Most organisms have evolved defense mechanisms to protect themselves from viruses and other pathogens. Arthropods lack the protein-based adaptive immune response found in vertebrates. Here we show that the central catalytic component of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), the nuclease Argonaute 2 (Ago-2), is essential for antiviral defense in adult Drosophila melanogaster. Ago-2-defective flies are hypersensitive to infection with a major fruit fly pathogen, Drosophila C virus (DCV), and with Cricket Paralysis virus (CrPV). Increased mortality in ago-2 mutant flies was associated with a dramatic increase in viral RNA accumulation and virus titers. The physiological significance of this antiviral mechanism is underscored by our finding that DCV encodes a potent suppressor of RNA interference (RNAi). This suppressor binds long double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and inhibits Dicer-2-mediated processing of dsRNA into short interfering RNA (siRNA), but does not bind short siRNAs or disrupt the microRNA (miRNA) pathway. Based on these results we propose that RNAi is a major antiviral immune defense mechanism in Drosophila.