纽约大学Lu和同事们发现Auf1缺陷型小鼠表现出严重的内毒素血症。深入地研究发现这是由TNFα、IL-1β的mRNA稳定性增加造成的。文章作者指出,人类部分炎症疾病可能源于损伤的转录后调控。该研究成果发表在11月15日的《Genes & development》杂志上。
在肌体中,促炎症细胞因子的表达是受到严格调控的,如果不正常表达会导致脓毒性休克(septic shock,见备注1)。调节mRNA的稳定性是调控它们表达的一个关键点。该稳定性受3'非翻译区的富AU元件(ARE)影响。ARE引起转录产物不稳定。Jin-Yu Lu和同事们通过研究发现,缺乏ARE结合蛋白之一Auf1蛋白的小鼠会提高TNFα和IL-1β的表达,并且非常容易患有内毒素休克(endotoxic shock;见备注2)1。Lu等人在缺乏Auf1的小鼠身上引入细菌性脂多糖内毒素,这种内毒素会刺激全身炎症反应(systemic inflammatory response)。与大多数野生型小鼠顺利度过这个难关相比,Auf1缺陷型小鼠表现出严重的内毒素血症(Endotoxemia,ETM),以及超出5倍的死亡率。这种TNFα 和 IL-1β的表达量增加是由mRNA稳定性异常引起的。有趣的是,IL-6的mRNA稳定性不受此影响,这可能是因为它的3'区域AREs构造有所不同。最后,Lu等人进一步研究发现,使用抗体中和TNFα 和 IL-1β可以有效保护Auf1缺陷型小鼠,使其不发生内毒素休克。文章作者指出,人类部分炎症疾病可能源于损伤的转录后调控。
1 J. Y. Lu, N. Sadri, and R. J. Schneider, Genes & development 20 (22), 3174 (2006).
Lab: Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York 10016, USA.
1.脓毒性休克(septic shock)是指脓毒症病人经足量液体复苏仍持续低血压(收缩压<90mmHg或较基础水平下降幅度超过40mmHg),伴有低灌流状态(乳酸性酸中毒,少尿或急性意识改变)或器官功能障碍。
2.内毒素休克(endotoxic shock)在临床上极为多见。休克早期、由于细菌毒素对呼吸中枢的直接刺激或有效循环血量降低的反射刺激,可引起呼吸增快、换气过度,导致呼吸性碱中毒;继而因脏器缺氧和血液不足,生物氧化过程障碍,线粒体三羧酸循环受抑制,ATP生成减少,乳酸形成增多,导致代谢性酸中毒,呼吸深大而快。休克晚期、可因肺、脑等脏器功能损害,导致呼吸性酸中毒,出现呼吸幅度和节律改变,使病变趋于不可逆,可引起低血压休克、组织脏器灌注不足、代谢性酸中毒、多器官功能不全,甚至多器官功能衰竭(MOF)。
Endotoxic shock in AUF1 knockout mice mediated by failure to degrade proinflammatory cytokine mRNAs
Excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines, particularly tumor necrosis factor- (TNF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1), plays a critical role in septic shock induced by bacterial endotoxin (endotoxemia). Precise control of cytokine expression depends on rapid degradation of cytokine mRNAs, mediated by an AU-rich element (ARE) in the 3' noncoding region and by interacting ARE-binding proteins, which control the systemic inflammatory response. To understand the function of the ARE-binding protein AUF1, we developed an AUF1 knockout mouse. We show that AUF1 normally functions to protect against the lethal progression of endotoxemia. Upon endotoxin challenge, AUF1 knockout mice display symptoms of severe endotoxic shock, including vascular hemorrhage, intravascular coagulation, and high mortality, resulting from overproduction of TNF and IL-1. Overexpression of these two cytokines is specific, and shown to result from an inability to rapidly degrade these mRNAs in macrophages following induction. Neutralizing antibodies to TNF and IL-1 protect AUF1 knockout mice against lethal endotoxic shock. These and other data describe a novel post-transcriptional mechanism whereby AUF1 acts as a crucial attenuator of the inflammatory response, promoting the rapid decay of selective proinflammatory cytokine mRNAs following endotoxin activation. Defects in the AUF1 post-transcriptionally controlled pathway may be involved in human inflammatory disease.