来自科隆大学的墨西哥小组成员Arianna Nency以及美兹大学的Christoph Becker研究了NF-kB的作用,这是一个特征分子保住细胞出力压力,在对上皮细胞的研究中,使用了一些常规方法,他们建立了老鼠模型并且不会表达NEMO,这是一种会与NF-kB发生反映的蛋白质.存在于上皮细胞当中.结果,这些老鼠患上和人类非常类似的大肠炎.仔细观察这些老鼠发现他们的上皮细胞被破坏了。NF-kB是细胞生存的信号,如果没有它预示着细胞已经死亡,这种现象已经发生在老鼠的肠道上.单个上皮细胞死亡会损害肠道内层.通过这个裂缝细菌会渗透至肠道,而与之想联系的免疫系统是体内最强大的免疫系统,它会对入侵者发出强烈的免疫信号,在与细菌进行斗争的过程中,我们的上皮细胞会分泌一种信号带来发炎的症状.这将是一种恶性循环,炎症信号能够到达上皮细胞,而上皮细胞对于缺乏NF-kB非常敏感,缺乏它将导致死亡,更多的上皮细胞死亡将构成更大的裂缝在肠道表皮上,这将导致更多的细菌进入,结果是免疫系统对此进行持续不断的免疫反应,导致我们所知道的肠道炎症疾病的发生.
FIGURE 1. Intestinal epithelium-specific NEMO ablation causes severe spontaneous colitis.
a, Immunofluorescence with anti-NEMO antibodies shows efficient NEMO ablation in the intestinal epithelium of NEMOIEC-KO mice. WT, wild type. b, Southern blot DNA analysis shows NEMO deletion (Del) specifically in the intestines of NEMOIEC-KO mice. c, NEMOIEC-KO (n = 3) and wild-type (n = 5) mice were examined at the age of 32–36 weeks using mini-endoscopy. Murine endoscopic index of colitis severity (MEICS)29 scores are shown (mean s.d.). d, The colon of NEMOIEC-KO mice is thickened and shortened, indicating severe colitis. e, Haematoxylin-and-eosin-stained colon cross-sections show severe inflammation and loss of goblet cells in NEMOIEC-KO mice. All scale bars, 50 m.
Nature advanced Publications online 14 March 2007
Epithelial NEMO links innate immunity to chronic intestinal inflammation
Arianna Nenci, Christoph Becker, Andy Wullaert, Ralph Gareus, Geert van Loo, Silvio Danese, Marion Huth, Alexei Nikolaev, Clemens Neufert, Blair Madison, Deborah Gumucio, Markus F. Neurath and Manolis Pasparakis
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Christoph Becker, M.D. , Ph.D.
University Hospital Munich, Germany
Section Chief Body CT and PET/CT
Study of Medicine at:
Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary
University of Homburg/Saar, Germany
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
Post graduate positions
Residency and fellowships at the Department of Clinical Radiology at the University of Munich, Germany
Since 2003 associate professor and section chief body CT.
Author of more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
-Becker CR, Nikolaou K, Muders M, et al. Ex vivo coronary atherosclerotic plaque characterization with multi-detector-row CT. Eur Radiol 2003;13(9):2094-8.
-Becker CR, Majeed A, Crispin A, et al. CT measurement of coronary calcium mass: impact on global cardiac risk assessment. Eur Radiol 2005;15(1):96-101.
-Becker CR. Coronary CT angiography in symptomatic patients. Eur Radiol 2005;15 Suppl 2:B33-41.
-Becker CR, Reiser MF. Use of iso-osmolar nonionic dimeric contrast media in multidetector row computed tomography angiography for patients with renal impairment. Invest Radiol 2005;40(10):672-5.
Frequent reviewer for Circulation, American Journal of Cardiology, Radiology, Radiographics, American Journal of Roentgenology, Investigative Radiology and European Radiology.
Areas of research
Cardiac CT, CT angiography, dual energy CT, radiation exposure, contrast media application, contrast induced nephropathy.