生物谷报道:近日,发表在最新一期《Nature Genetics》上的一篇文章报道,人体内一个包含大约25000个基因的基因群的微小变化可能是导致最普遍的关节炎的原因。
研究人员测试了大约1500名日本人,他们的一种被称为GDF5的基因存在一种特殊变化,结果些人患上髋关节炎的几率比正常人大了80%。由Yoshinari Miyamoto领导的小组认为,这种基因变化可能减少了GDF5基因的产物,而这种产物对于关节软骨的产生非常重要。 对于日本和中国人群的研究还显示该基因异常和膝关节炎之间同样存在关系,尽管关系并不特别明显。这种关节炎会对软骨造成损伤,从而使关节的两骨之间直接摩擦,世界卫生组织数据显示,它影响着全世界约1亿9千万人的健康。这种疾病的症状在男性中通常发生在45岁左右,而女性中则在55岁附近。
Figure 1. LD blocks, genomic structures and allelic association around GDF5.
(a) LD around GDF5. Pairwise LD indices of D' and are presented in the upper right and lower left of the rectangle, respectively. The color gradient indicates values of LD. (b) LD blocks (top) and locations of the genes (middle) around GDF5. The region around GDF5 is divided into three LD blocks (1, 2a and 2b). GDF5 is contained within block 2a. Bottom, case-control association of the SNPs in block 2a. SNP positions within the genome are shown with reference to the contig NT_028392.4. Significance levels for the association are indicated by the negative logarithm of the P value from 2-tests for each SNP (triangle). SNPs with LD ( ) of >0.99, >0.8 and >0.6 are connected with solid, dashed and dotted lines, respectively.
Nature Genetics April 2007, Volume 39 No 4
A functional polymorphism in the 5' UTR of GDF5 is associated with susceptibility to osteoarthritis pp529 - 533
Yoshinari Miyamoto, Akihiko Mabuchi, Dongquan Shi, Toshikazu Kubo, Yoshio Takatori, Susumu Saito, Mikihiro Fujioka, Akihiro Sudo, Atsumasa Uchida, Seizo Yamamoto, Koichi Ozaki, Masaharu Takigawa, Toshihiro Tanaka, Yusuke Nakamura, Qing Jiang & Shiro Ikegawa
Published online: 25 March 2007 | doi:10.1038/2005
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