生物谷援引华文生技网报道:微型RNA (MicroRNAs;简称miRNA) 的发现,是细胞研究上重要的发现,因为就分子生物学的中心法则 (central dogma)来说,含有遗传信息的 DNA,通过转录(transcription) 形成信使RNA(messenger RNAs) ,再经由翻译(translation) 产生蛋白质,这个过程中miRNA 虽然影响了30% 的基因活动,但科学家对于它真正的作用机制,却仍然不是那么清楚。最近由欧洲分子生物学实验室(European Molecular Biology Laboratory ;简称EMBL)的科学家,发表在最新一期自然 (Nature)期刊的一篇论文,通过一种新的技术,可以在体外清楚的观察到 miRNA的作用全过程,可以说将 miRNA的研究,带进了一个崭新的领域。
EMBL 实验到的Rolf Thermann博士所主持的实验计划,利用果蝇 (fruitfly)胚胎这个极易观察的动物模型,尝试着分析 miRNA的运作过程,结果研究人员发现了一个称为 miR2的微型核糖核酸,在果蝇的生长发育过程中,参与很多的过程,而很特别的是研究人员发现当这个 miRNA的分子粘上mRNA 时候,就像是mRNA 与核糖体(ribosome)组合,即将进行翻译的动作,但实际上并没有任何的蛋白质生成。
科学家认为 miRNA活动过程的方式,并没有因为移植到体外而有所改变,因此使得这种直接在体外观察的方式,成了 miRNA研究的新平台,将来与 miRNA相关的研究,甚至直接跟疾病相关的 miRNA,都有可能因此揭开了神秘的面纱。
(资料来源 : biocompare)
Nature advance online publication 16 May 2007 | doi:10.1038/nature05878; Received 7 November 2006; Accepted 26 April 2007; Published online 16 May 2007
Drosophila miR2 induces pseudo-polysomes and inhibits translation initiation
Rolf Thermann1 & Matthias W. Hentze1
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Meyerhofstrasse 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Correspondence to: Matthias W. Hentze1 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.W.H. (Email: hentze@embl.de).
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MicroRNAs (miRs) inhibit protein synthesis by mechanisms that are as yet unresolved1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. We developed a cell-free system from Drosophila melanogaster embryos that faithfully recapitulates miR2-mediated translational control by means of the 3' untranslated region of the D. melanogaster reaper messenger RNA. Here we show that miR2 inhibits translation initiation without affecting mRNA stability. Surprisingly, miR2 induces the formation of dense (heavier than 80S) miRNPs ('pseudo-polysomes') even when polyribosome formation and 60S ribosomal subunit joining are blocked. An mRNA bearing an ApppG instead of an m7GpppG cap structure escapes the miR2-mediated translational block. These results directly show the inhibition of m7GpppG cap-mediated translation initiation as the mechanism of miR2 function, and uncover pseudo-polysomal messenger ribonucleoprotein assemblies that may help to explain earlier findings.