Nature Volume 448 Number 7152
Protective and therapeutic role for B-crystallin in autoimmune demyelination p474
Shalina S. Ousman, Beren H. Tomooka, Johannes M. van Noort, Eric F. Wawrousek, Kevin O'Conner, David A. Hafler, Raymond A. Sobel, William H. Robinson & Lawrence Steinman
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Lawrence Steinman
Academic Appointments
ProfessorNeurology & Neurological Sciences
Professor (By courtesy)Genetics
Research Interests
Our laboratory is dedicated to understanding the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, particularly multiple sclerosis. We have developed several new therapies for autoimmunity, including some in Phase 2 clinical trials, as well as one approved drug, natalizumab. We have developed microarray technology for detecting autoantibodies to myelin proteins and lipids. We employ a diverse range of molecular and celluar approaches to trying to understand multiple sclerosis.
§Dunn SE, Ousman SS, Sobel RA, Zuniga L, Baranzini SE, Youssef S, Crowell A, Loh J, Oksenberg J, Steinman L "Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR){alpha} expression in T cells mediates gender differences in development of T cell-mediated autoimmunity." J Exp Med 2007; More »
§Steinman L, "A brief history of T(H)17, the first major revision in the T(H)1/T(H)2 hypothesis of T cell-mediated tissue damage." Nat Med 2007; 13: 2: 139-45 More »
§Kanter JL, Narayana S, Ho PP, Catz I, Warren KG, Sobel RA, Steinman L, Robinson WH "Lipid microarrays identify key mediators of autoimmune brain inflammation." Nat Med 2006; 12: 1: 138-143 More »
§Dunn SE, Youssef S, Goldstein MJ, Prod'homme T, Weber MS, Zamvil SS, Steinman L "Isoprenoids determine Th1/Th2 fate in pathogenic T cells, providing a mechanism of modulation of autoimmunity by atorvastatin." J Exp Med 2006; 203: 2: 401-12 More »
§Langer-Gould A, Steinman L "What went wrong in the natalizumab trials?" Lancet 2006; 367: 9512: 708-10 More »