作者对这项研究“允诺了很多,”明尼苏达大学Perry Hackett(未参与研究)说,“他们兑现了允诺。”
研究小组带头人、波士顿大学James J. Collins说,控制基因表达的三种传统技术都有局限性。遗传学技术使“敲除”变得不可逆,因此研究基因在发育过程不同时间点的功能变得很困难。利用小分子(如四环素)的方法不能完全阻断靶蛋白的表达。RNA干扰(RNAi),利用小RNA阻断mRNA功能的技术,只是部分阻断表达,而且经常阻断与靶基因序列相似的基因的表达。
当此开关关闭,系统表达一种抑制蛋白,将靶基因维持在关闭状态。小发卡RNA(short hairpin RNA ,shRNA)提供了第二道关卡,阻断漏网之“靶基因”。
他们利用几种实验室培养的细胞系,在几种基因上检测这种系统。在以表达白喉毒素(Diphtheria toxin,DT)A片段(DTA)的细菌基因为靶基因的检测中,DTA的表达受到紧密调控:一个DTA分子足以杀死细胞,但胞内无DTA的细胞却不受任何影响。
Cell, Vol 130, 363-372, 27 July 2007
A Tunable Genetic Switch Based on RNAi and Repressor Proteins for Regulating Gene Expression in Mammalian Cells
Tara L. Deans,1 Charles R. Cantor,1 and James J. Collins1,
1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Center for BioDynamics and Center for Advanced Biotechnology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Corresponding author
James J. Collins
Here, we introduce an engineered, tunable genetic switch that couples repressor proteins and an RNAi target design to effectively turn any gene off. We used the switch to regulate the expression of EGFP in mouse and human cells and found that it offers >99% repression as well as the ability to tune gene expression. To demonstrate the system's modularity and level of gene silencing, we used the switch to tightly regulate the expression of diphtheria toxin and Cre recombinase, respectively. We also used the switch to tune the expression of a proapoptotic gene and show that a threshold expression level is required to induce apoptosis. This work establishes a system for tight, tunable control of mammalian gene expression that can be used to explore the functional role of various genes as well as to determine whether a phenotype is the result of a threshold response to changes in gene expression.