生物谷综合:来自中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所分子生物学重点实验室(State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology),美国德州大学西南医学中心的研究人员鉴定出一个新的gp78结合蛋白Ufd1,并发现:Ufd1蛋白与gp78蛋白结合,增强了gp78的泛素连接酶活性,加速胆固醇合成代谢的关键酶――羟甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶(HMGCR)的降解,进而增强细胞对低密度脂蛋白的吸收,可降低血液胆固醇水平。
Cell Metabolism, Vol 6, 115-128, 08 August 2007
Ufd1 Is a Cofactor of gp78 and Plays a Key Role in Cholesterol Metabolism by Regulating the Stability of HMG-CoA Reductase
Jian Cao,1 Jiang Wang,1 Wei Qi,1 Hong-Hua Miao,1 Jing Wang,1 Liang Ge,1 Russell A. DeBose-Boyd,2 Jing-Jie Tang,1 Bo-Liang Li,1, and Bao-Liang Song1,
1 State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 320 Yue-Yang Road, Shanghai 200031, China
2 Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390-9046, USA
Corresponding author
Bo-Liang Li
Corresponding author
Bao-Liang Song
The membrane-anchored ubiquitin ligase gp78 promotes degradation of misfolded endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins and sterol-regulated degradation of HMG-CoA reductase. It was known previously that Ufd1 plays a critical role in ER-associated degradation (ERAD) together with Npl4 and VCP. The VCP-Ufd1-Npl4 complex recognizes polyubiquitin chains and transfers the ubiquitinated proteins to the proteasome. Here we show that Ufd1 directly interacts with gp78 and functions as a cofactor. Ufd1 enhances the E3 activity of gp78, accelerates the ubiquitination and degradation of reductase, and eventually promotes receptor-mediated uptake of low-density lipoprotein. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the monoubiquitin-binding site in Ufd1 is required for the enhancement of gp78 activity and that the polyubiquitin-binding site in Ufd1 is critical for a postubiquitination step in ERAD. In summary, our study identifies Ufd1 as a cofactor of gp78, reveals an unappreciated function of Ufd1 in the ubiquitination reaction during ERAD, and illustrates that Ufd1 plays a critical role in cholesterol metabolism.