来自杜克大学医学院细胞生物学系,耶鲁大学医学院耶鲁干细胞中心及细胞生物学系的研究人员发现了不同于已知的表观遗传沉默中的Piwi和RNA介导的沉默途径的功能——他们识别出了果蝇中12,903个piRNAs(Piwi-interacting RNAs ),并描述了其特征,首次提出piRNAs在基因功能调控方面扮演着重要角色。这一研究成果公布在《自然》杂志上。
2006年,冷泉港实验室及洛克菲勒大学的研究人员发表在6月4日的《自然》网络版上提出了piRNAs的概念,他们发现了数千种不同的哺乳动物小分子RNA的一个新成员——piRNAs(Piwi-interacting RNAs),该种小RNA在小鼠精子发育中普遍存在,并起到了重要作用。
紧接着林海帆教授领导的研究小组发现了在精子形成(spermiogenesis)过程中大量表达的非编码小RNA——PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs),这说明在胞质核蛋白(cytosolic ribonucleoprotein)和多核糖体片段(polysomal fractions)中MIWI与piRNAs,以及mRNA有关联。这些研究成果陆续发表在美国国家科学院院刊(PNAS)及《当代生物学》(Current Biology)上。
细胞间期核中染色质可分为异染色质(heterochromatin)和常染色质(euchromatin)。常染色质是进行活跃转录的部位,呈疏松的环状,电镜下表现为浅染;易被核酸酶在一些敏感的位点(hypersensitive sites)降解。异染色质的特点是:在间期核中处于凝缩状态,无转录活性,也叫非活动染色质(inactive chromatin);是遗传惰性区;在细胞周期中表现为晚复制、早凝缩,即异固缩现象(heteropycnosis)。
在异染色质中包含了大量富集转座子(transposon)和高度重复的序列,研究发现果蝇异染色质组成和转录沉默与Piwi(P-element induced wimpy testis),以及重复siRNA(repeat-associated small interfering RNAs ,rasiRNAs)相关。但是rasiRNA表达中的Piwi的作用,和异染色质沉默的功能仍然不得而知。
在这篇文章中,研究人员识别出了果蝇中12,903个Piwi作用RNAs(Piwi-interacting RNAs,piRNAs),并描述了其特征,认为rasiRNAs属于piRNAs的一个亚集。同时研究人员也发现Piwi能促进染色体3的右臂上次尾端(subtelomeric)异染色质(也称为端粒相关序列,TAS,即全称为3R-TAS)上常染色质组蛋白修饰,以及piRNA的转录。
进一步研究发现piwi突变型中3R-TAS失去了常染色体组蛋白修饰,而且3R-TAS1 piRNA和3R-TAS上一种whiter受体基因的表达也受到了抑制。而P element插入到3R-TAS1piRNA编码序列下游的128碱基对位置则可以逆转3R-TAS的常染色体组蛋白修饰,以及piwi突变型中3R-TAS1piRNA的表达。
这些研究说明Piwi促进了3R-TAS异染色质中常染色质特性,以及其转录活性,这不同于已知的表观遗传沉默中的Piwi和RNA介导的沉默途径的功能,研究人员也指出这些活性功能也许是通过3R-TAS1piRNA相互作用获得,而且对于生殖干细胞(germline stem-cell)的维持是必要的。
Nature advance online publication 21 October 2007 | doi:10.1038/nature06263; Received 28 May 2007; Accepted 17 September 2007; Published online 21 October 2007
An epigenetic activation role of Piwi and a Piwi-associated piRNA in Drosophila melanogaster
Hang Yin1,2 & Haifan Lin1,2
Department of Cell Biology, Duke University Medical School, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA
Yale Stem Cell Center and Department of Cell Biology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06509, USA
Correspondence to: Haifan Lin1,2 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.L. (Email: haifan.lin@yale.edu).
Heterochromatin, representing the silenced state of transcription, consists largely of transposon-enriched and highly repetitive sequences. Implicated in heterochromatin formation and transcriptional silencing in Drosophila are Piwi (P-element induced wimpy testis)1, 2 and repeat-associated small interfering RNAs (rasiRNAs)3, 4, 5. Despite this, the role of Piwi in rasiRNA expression and heterochromatic silencing remains unknown. Here we report the identification and characterization of 12,903 Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) in Drosophila, showing that rasiRNAs represent a subset of piRNAs. We also show that Piwi promotes euchromatic histone modifications and piRNA transcription in subtelomeric heterochromatin (also known as telomere-associated sequence, or TAS), on the right arm of chromosome 3 (3R-TAS). Piwi binds to 3R-TAS and a piRNA uniquely mapped to 3R-TAS (3R-TAS1 piRNA). In piwi mutants, 3R-TAS loses euchromatic histone modifications yet accumulates heterochromatic histone modifications and Heterochromatin Protein 1a (HP1a). Furthermore, the expression of both the 3R-TAS1 piRNA and a white reporter gene in 3R-TAS becomes suppressed. A P element inserted 128 base pairs downstream of the 3R-TAS1 piRNA coding sequence restores the euchromatic histone modifications of 3R-TAS and the expression of 3R-TAS1 piRNA in piwi mutants, as well as partly rescuing their defects in germline stem-cell maintenance. These observations suggest that Piwi promotes the euchromatic character of 3R-TAS heterochromatin and its transcriptional activity, opposite to the known roles of Piwi and the RNA-mediated interference pathway in epigenetic silencing. This activating function is probably achieved through interaction with at least 3R-TAS1 piRNA and is essential for germline stem-cell maintenance.