最近一期的PLoS ONE杂志(2007-11-14)刊登了我国军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室童贻刚研究员发明的多外显子cDNA的直接快速克隆技术——“基因组DNA剪接”(genomic DNA splicing, GDS)技术(http://www.plosone.org/doi/pone.0001179)。该技术克服了常规cDNA克隆方法的诸多弊端(RNA提取,cDNA制备),直接从任何组织来源的基因组DNA中快速克隆任意全长的cDNA序列。
童贻刚等发明的genomic DNA splicing全长cDNA克隆技术,克服了上述所有的缺点。该技术无需采用逆转录的方法制备cDNA,因此也就无需制备RNA,更不用操作特定基因高表达的器官组织。整个实验过程简单快速,仅使用常规的实验室设备和试剂,即可轻易完成多外显子cDNA的全长序列的克隆。
Received: August 22, 2007; Accepted: October 18, 2007; Published: November 14, 2007
Rapid Assembly of Multiple-Exon cDNA Directly from Genomic DNA
Xiaoping An1#, Jun Lu2#, Jian-dong Huang3*, Baozhong Zhang1, Dabin Liu1, Xin Zhang1, Jinhui Chen1, Yusen Zhou1, Yigang Tong1*
1 State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing, China, 2 Beijing YouAn Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 3 Department of Biochemistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), China
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is extensively applied in gene cloning. But due to the existence of introns, low copy number of particular genes and high complexity of the eukaryotic genome, it is usually impossible to amplify and clone a gene as a full-length sequence directly from the genome by ordinary PCR based techniques. Cloning of cDNA instead of genomic DNA involves multiple steps: harvest of tissues that express the gene of interest, RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis (reverse transcription), and PCR amplification. To simplify the cloning procedures and avoid the problems caused by ubiquitously distributed durable RNases, we have developed a novel strategy allowing the cloning of any cDNA or open reading frame (ORF) with wild type sequence in any spliced form from a single genomic DNA preparation.
Our “Genomic DNA Splicing” technique contains the following steps: first, all exons of the gene are amplified from a genomic DNA preparation, using software-optimized, highly efficient primers residing in flanking introns. Next, the tissue-specific exon sequences are assembled into one full-length sequence by overlapping PCR with deliberately designed primers located at the splicing sites. Finally, software-optimized outmost primers are exploited for efficient amplification of the assembled full-length products.
The “Genomic DNA Splicing” protocol avoids RNA preparation and reverse transcription steps, and the entire assembly process can be finished within hours. Since genomic DNA is more stable than RNA, it may be a more practical cloning strategy for many genes, especially the ones that are very large and difficult to generate a full length cDNA using oligo-dT primed reverse transcription. With this technique, we successfully cloned the full-length wild type coding sequence of human polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, which is 2295 bp in length and composed of 10 exons.