生物谷报道:来自美国范德比特大学(Vanderbilt University,生物谷注)生命科学系,英国医学研究国立研究院(National Institute for Medical Research)的研究人员首次证明利用一种新型的基因治疗的方法:RNA干扰(RNAi)能在一个活体动物中治愈一种遗传失序症(genetic disorder,生物谷注)。这一研究成果公布在Endocrinology杂志上。
(图片说明:James Patton在展示一个瘦小的转基因小鼠和它受治愈的后代)
来自范德比特大学医学中心的John Phillips教授表示,“这已经充分的阐述了这种遗传失序症的原因机理,并得到了一种治疗的方法”,Phillips教授自1987年就开始研究人类生长缺陷失序症,他与James G. Patton教授,以及两位研究生Nikki Shariat和Robin Ryther共同发表了这一重要的成果。
生长激素缺乏症(Growth Hormone Deficiency,GHD,生物谷注)又称垂体性佚儒症(Pitu-itary dwarfism)。垂体前叶分泌生长激素、促肾上腺皮质激素、促甲状腺激素和促性腺激素维持人体正常内分泌功能。如因垂体前叶分泌的生长激素不足,则导致生长激素缺乏症。其主要临床表现为生长障碍。部分患儿伴有性腺、甲状腺和肾上腺皮质功能低下。
GHD在每4000-10000个儿童中就会出现一例,发病原理有许多,其中一种遗传性的称为孤立性生长激素缺乏Ⅱ型遗传病(familial isolated growth hormone deficiency type II,IGHD II,生物谷注),能引起dominant negative disorder。这是由于人类生长激素的一种缺陷形式引起的,其它常见的dominant negative disorder包括结肠癌,肾脏疾病,肌肉萎缩症等。
RNA沉默是存在于生物中的一种古老现象, 是生物抵抗异常DNA(病毒、转座因子和某些高重复的基因组序列)的保护机制, 同时在生物发育过程中扮演着基因表达调控的角色,它可以通过降解RNA、抑制翻译或修饰染色体等方式发挥作用。
在2003年,这一文章的合作作者Iain Robinson获得了带有人类生长激素基因的转基因小鼠,虽然经改造的小鼠依然具有小鼠生长激素基因,但是研究人员发现,缺陷型人类生长激素的高水平表达不仅导致其生长缓慢,而且会杀死产生生长激素的脑垂体细胞。
Endocrinology, doi:10.1210/en.2007-1360
Submitted on October 2, 2007
Accepted on November 6, 2007
Rescue of Pituitary Function in a Mouse Model of Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency Type II by RNAi
Nikki Shariat, Robin C.C. Ryther, John A. Phillips III, Iain C.A.F. Robinson, and James G. Patton*
Department of Biological Sciences; Department of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235 USA; MRC, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AA UK
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: james.g.patton@vanderbilt.edu .
Splicing mutations in the human growth hormone (hGH) gene (GH-1) that cause skipping of exon 3 result in a form of GH deficiency termed Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency type II (IGHD II). The GH-1 gene contains 5 exons; constitutive splicing produces the wild type 22kDa hormone while skipping of exon 3 results in transcripts encoding a 17.5 kDa isoform that acts as a dominant negative to block secretion of the wild type hormone. Common characteristics of IGHD II include short stature due to impaired bone elongation growth and, in severe cases, anterior pituitary hypoplasia. Typically, IGHD II is treated by subcutaneous delivery of hGH which can rescue stature but, unfortunately, does not inhibit pituitary hypoplasia. Direct destruction of transcripts encoding the dominant negative 17.5 kDa isoform should both rescue stature and prevent hypoplasia. Here, we have used delivery of short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) to rescue a murine model of IGHD II by specifically targeting transcripts encoding the 17.5 kDa isoform using RNA interference. To our knowledge, this is the first example where an shRNA has been expressed to specifically degrade an incorrectly spliced transcript and rescue a dominant negative disease phenotype in vivo.
Key words: Growth hormone (GH) • RNA interference • Isolated GH Deficiency type II