生物谷报道:来自德州大学奥斯汀分校细胞与分子生物学研究院(Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology,),普渡大学生物化学系的研究人员确定了一种原始真菌的蛋白/核酶复合体的晶体结构,揭示了生命从简单到复杂的进化机制,而且这一“RNA世界”遗迹对于研究RNA功能意义重大。这一研究成果公布在昨天公布的Nature杂志上。
文章的作者包括普渡大学的Barbara L. Golden,及其生物化学博士学生陈瑞慧(Jui-Hui Chen,音译)等。
(Barbara L. Golden)
德州大学细胞与分子生物学研究院主任Alan Lambowitz表示,“现在我们能看到RNA如何发展成将这些功能与蛋白分享”,“这是之前被遗失的一个关键步骤。”
为了能展现这一点,并获得更多有关RNA进化成更复杂生命形式的信息,研究人员将目光聚焦到了一种真菌身上,这种真菌链孢霉(Neurospora crassa,生物谷注)仍有RNA世界的遗迹:其线粒体tyrosyl-tRNA合成酶CYT-18具有催化功能,并且能帮助进行剪接。
Nature 451, 94-97 (3 January 2008) | doi:10.1038/nature06413; Received 26 September 2007; Accepted 24 October 2007
Structure of a tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase splicing factor bound to a group I intron RNA
Paul J. Paukstelis1, Jui-Hui Chen2, Elaine Chase2, Alan M. Lambowitz1,3 & Barbara L. Golden2,3
Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Section of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA
Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence to: Alan M. Lambowitz1,3Barbara L. Golden2,3 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.M.L. (Email: lambowitz@mail.utexas.edu) or B.L.G. (Email: barbgolden@purdue.edu).
The 'RNA world' hypothesis holds that during evolution the structural and enzymatic functions initially served by RNA were assumed by proteins, leading to the latter's domination of biological catalysis. This progression can still be seen in modern biology, where ribozymes, such as the ribosome and RNase P, have evolved into protein-dependent RNA catalysts ('RNPzymes'). Similarly, group I introns use RNA-catalysed splicing reactions, but many function as RNPzymes bound to proteins that stabilize their catalytically active RNA structure1, 2. One such protein, the Neurospora crassa mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS; CYT-18), is bifunctional and both aminoacylates mitochondrial tRNATyr and promotes the splicing of mitochondrial group I introns3. Here we determine a 4.5-Å co-crystal structure of the Twort orf142-I2 group I intron ribozyme bound to splicing-active, carboxy-terminally truncated CYT-18. The structure shows that the group I intron binds across the two subunits of the homodimeric protein with a newly evolved RNA-binding surface distinct from that which binds tRNATyr. This RNA binding surface provides an extended scaffold for the phosphodiester backbone of the conserved catalytic core of the intron RNA, allowing the protein to promote the splicing of a wide variety of group I introns. The group I intron-binding surface includes three small insertions and additional structural adaptations relative to non-splicing bacterial TyrRSs, indicating a multistep adaptation for splicing function. The co-crystal structure provides insight into how CYT-18 promotes group I intron splicing, how it evolved to have this function, and how proteins could have incrementally replaced RNA structures during the transition from an RNA world to an RNP world.
链孢霉(Neurospora crassa)
链孢霉有两种繁殖方式,一种是无性繁殖,当其孢子(N)或菌丝落在营养物上,孢子萌发,菌丝生长形成菌丝体(N)。另一种是有性繁殖,两个亲本必须是不同的交配型(matig type)A和a,各自的分生孢子会散落在不同交配型子实体的受精丝上,进入子实体,进行核融合,形成2n核,(A/a)。二倍体时期十分短暂,很快进行减数分裂,最后再经过一次有丝分裂,在子囊中产生8个单倍体的子囊孢子,子囊孢子成熟后有可萌发,长成新的菌丝体。
链孢霉后代多,样本大,统计分析的误差小,生活周期段短,在短时间内可获得结果。链孢霉易培养和操作,可利用选择培养基筛选各种突变型;链孢霉又属真核生物,可作为真核的研究模型,因此是很好的遗传学实验材料。子囊孢子是单倍体,不存在显隐性的问题,表型和基因型一致;孢子按顺序排列在子囊中,我们称其为顺序四分子(Ordered tetrad),经过分析易于确定是否是重组类型及基因的转变,其着丝粒本身也可看作是一个位点来研究,因此在四分体时期进行遗传分析是很方便的,这种方法称为四分子分析(terard analysis)。(生物谷)