序列比较表明,物种内和物种间microRNA的序列分歧相似;同时,在各个灵长类分支中均存在基因拷贝的获得和丢失,也存在基因的假基因化。由此表明,这个miroRNA家族在灵长类中经历了典型的“生-死”(Birth and Death)进化历程。它暗示这个家族的microRNA基因在灵长类的进化中其功能可能发生了多样化,以适应不同灵长类物种在发育过程中的需要。
这一研究结果将为科研人员更好地了解Alu对灵长类基因组进化的影响以及非蛋白编码基因的进化模式提供崭新的视角。研究结果已发表于分子进化领域国际知名刊物《分子生物学与进化》(Molecular Biology and Evolution)上。(来源:中科院昆明动物所)
(Molecular Biology and Evolution),doi:10.1093/molbev/msn094,Rui Zhang, Yin-Qiu Wang, and Bing Su
Molecular evolution of a primate-specific microRNA family
Rui Zhang*,,, Yin-Qiu Wang*, and Bing Su*,
* State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, China
Kunming Primate Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, China
Graduate School of Chinese Academy Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
Received for publication March 7, 2008. Revision received April 9, 2008. Accepted for publication April 10, 2008.
Lineage-specific microRNA (miRNA) families may contribute to developmental novelties during evolution. However, little is known about the origin and evolution of new miRNA families. We report evidence of an Alu-mediated rapid expansion of miRNA genes in a previously-identified primate-specific miRNA family, drawn from sequencing and comparative analysis of nine diverse primate species. Evolutionary analysis reveals similar divergence among miRNA copies whether they are within or between species, lineage-specific gain and loss of miRNAs, and gene pseudolization in multiple species. These observations support a birth-and-death process of miRNA genes in this family, implicating functional diversification during primate evolution. In addition, both secondary structure conservation and reduced SNP density attest to functional constraint of this family in primates. Finally, we observed preferential expression of miRNAs in human placenta and fetal brain, suggesting a functional importance of this family for primate development.