论文通讯作者、美国北卡罗莱纳大学的Richard Wolfenden说:“这个酶对于地球上的植物和动物必不可少。我们所研究的是进化不得不克服的难题,而酶跨越了这一巨大的障碍——半衰期为23亿年的反应。”
PNAS,vol. 105 no. 45 17328-17333,Charles A. Lewis, Jr.,Richard Wolfenden
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylation as a benchmark for the catalytic proficiency of enzymes
Charles A. Lewis, Jr. and Richard Wolfenden
The magnitude of an enzyme's affinity for the altered substrate in the transition state exceeds its affinity for the substrate in the ground state by a factor matching the rate enhancement that the enzyme produces. Particularly remarkable are those enzymes that act as simple protein catalysts, without the assistance of metals or other cofactors. To determine the extent to which one such enzyme, human uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, enhances the rate of substrate decarboxylation, we examined the rate of spontaneous decarboxylation of pyrrolyl-3-acetate. Extrapolation of first-order rate constants measured at elevated temperatures indicates that this reaction proceeds with a half-life of 2.3 × 109 years at 25 °C in the absence of enzyme. This enzyme shows no significant homology with orotidine 5′-monophosphate decarboxylase (ODCase), another cofactorless enzyme that catalyzes a very slow reaction. It is proposed that, in both cases, a protonated basic residue (Arg-37 in the case of human UroD; Lys-93 in the case of yeast ODCase) furnishes a counterion that helps the scissile carboxylate group of the substrate leave water and enter a relatively nonpolar environment, stabilizes the incipient carbanion generated by the departure of CO2, and supplies the proton that takes its place.