Polycomb Group (PcG)蛋白家族是一类进化上极为保守的转录抑制因子,它们通过形成三种不同的蛋白复合物调控众多重要生命活动。2006年4月国际著名学术期刊Cell、Science和Nature同时报道了PcG在胚胎干细胞全基因组范围内基因启动子区的富集情况,认为PcG蛋白家族是胚胎发育过程中一系列调控蛋白的掌控者(regulators’ regulator),但调控PcG蛋白的机制尚不清楚。因此,新的PcG蛋白调节因子及调控机制研究成为发育生物学以及表观遗传学领域的热点。
中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所裴钢院士领导的研究组经过长期研究发现,一种多功能的信号蛋白β-arrestin1在斑马鱼中高度保守,在斑马鱼中β-arrestin1的缺失会导致原始性造血异常。他们的研究表明,β-arrestin1能够结合PcG招募蛋白YY1,通过影响YY1核质定位解除PcG蛋白Suz12在cdx4, hoxa9a和hoxb4a等基因启动子区的富集和转录抑制作用,最终促进中胚层向造血细胞方向的分化。此项研究不仅首次揭示了信号蛋白β-arrestin1在脊椎动物造血发育过程中的新功能,而且发现了脊椎动物体内调控PcG蛋白功能的一种新机制。上述研究成果得到同行评审专家的高度评价,认为对理解调控PcG蛋白的机制具有促进作用。相关研究结果于2009年10月30日在线发表在国际著名学术期刊Cell杂志上。
Nature Immunology:非编码小RNA在多发性硬化症发生过程中作用机制
Nature Immunology:调节CD4+T细胞凋亡和自身免疫的关键蛋白β-arrestin1
与中国生命科学并肩迈向世界前列——生物谷专访Cell Research主编裴刚院士,常务副主编李党生博士
Cell, Volume 139, Issue 3, 535-546, 30 October 2009 doi:10.1016/j.cell.2009.08.038
β-Arrestin1 Regulates Zebrafish Hematopoiesis through Binding to YY1 and Relieving Polycomb Group Repression
Rui Yue1, Jiuhong Kang1, 2, Cong Zhao1, Wenxiang Hu1, Yawei Tang1, Xiaosong Liu1 and Gang Pei1, 2, ,
1 Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences; Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China
2 School of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University, 200092, Shanghai, China
β-Arrestin1 is a multifunctional protein critically involved in signal transduction. Recently, it is also identified as a nuclear transcriptional regulator, but the underlying mechanisms and physiological significance remain to be explored. Here, we identified β-arrestin1 as an evolutionarily conserved protein essential for zebrafish development. Zebrafish embryos depleted of β-arrestin1 displayed severe posterior defects and especially failed to undergo hematopoiesis. In addition, the expression of cdx4, a critical regulator of embryonic blood formation, and its downstream hox genes were downregulated by depletion of β-arrestin1, while injection of cdx4, hoxa9a or hoxb4a mRNA rescued the hematopoietic defects. Further mechanistic studies revealed that β-arrestin1 bound to and sequestered the polycomb group (PcG) recruiter YY1, and relieved PcG-mediated repression of cdx4-hox pathway, thus regulating hematopoietic lineage specification. Taken together, this study demonstrated a critical role of β-arrestin1 during zebrafish primitive hematopoiesis, as well as an important regulator of PcG proteins and cdx4-hox pathway.