这项研究是由加州大学旧金山分校的一组研究人员负责。研究人员注意到,大脑中有一类新发现的干细胞可以在很大程度上帮助新皮质的形成。该校的神经生物学家阿诺德?克雷格斯坦(Arnold Kriegstein)指出,新型干细胞很有可能也存在于猫等哺乳动物大脑中,不过,在灵长类动物和人类大脑中这种干细胞会更活跃,数量也更多。因此,当这些干细胞向神经元发展,就成为大脑中“电信号”的主要渠道,理所当然地,原始细胞转化为越来越多的神经细胞,因此形成了更厚的新皮质。随着干细胞研究领域向深度和广度不断扩展,人类的大脑有望变得更大,未来的人将变得更聪明。
Nature doi:10.1038/nature08845
Neurogenic radial glia in the outer subventricular zone of human neocortex
David V. Hansen1,2,5, Jan H. Lui1,2,3,5, Philip R. L. Parker1,2,4 & Arnold R. Kriegstein1,2
1Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research,
2Department of Neurology,
3Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program,
4Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of California San Francisco, 513 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, California 94143, USA
Neurons in the developing rodent cortex are generated from radial glial cells that function as neural stem cells. These epithelial cells line the cerebral ventricles and generate intermediate progenitor cells that migrate into the subventricular zone (SVZ) and proliferate to increase neuronal number. The developing human SVZ has a massively expanded outer region (OSVZ) thought to contribute to cortical size and complexity. However, OSVZ progenitor cell types and their contribution to neurogenesis are not well understood. Here we show that large numbers of radial glia-like cells and intermediate progenitor cells populate the human OSVZ. We find that OSVZ radial glia-like cells have a long basal process but, surprisingly, are non-epithelial as they lack contact with the ventricular surface. Using real-time imaging and clonal analysis, we demonstrate that these cells can undergo proliferative divisions and self-renewing asymmetric divisions to generate neuronal progenitor cells that can proliferate further. We also show that inhibition of Notch signalling in OSVZ progenitor cells induces their neuronal differentiation. The establishment of non-ventricular radial glia-like cells may have been a critical evolutionary advance underlying increased cortical size and complexity in the human brain.