在过去的几年里,全球的研究人员都将对于非编码调控RNA的研究集中在小RNAs上。研究证实在几乎所有的真核模型生物中microRNAs都参与调控了转录后基因沉默。酵母中的小干扰RNA(si RNAs)也被证实在转录基因沉默中发挥了重要作用。
受到这些研究结果的激励,美国宾州Wistar研究院的Ramin Shiekhattar研究小组从7年前开始在哺乳动物系统中寻找调控转录的小RNAs。对于过去几年开展的研究工作,Shiekhattar总结道:“尽管我们很努力地寻找,然而对于小RNAs或是在转录基因沉默中调控小RNAs作用的结构我们仍知之甚少。近年来一些研究证实较长的RNAs与印记和X染色体失活有关,因而我们决定转而寻找和研究调控转录的长链非编码RNAs。”
研究人员面临的第一个问题就是选择哪条非编码RNA进行研究。来自西班牙基因组调控中心的Roderic Guigo帮助Shiekhattar研究小组设定了选择标准。Guigo是DNA元素百科全书协会的研究人员,其主要工作是参与完成GENCODE计划。GENCODE计划旨在注释人类基因组包括蛋白质编码和非编码位点的所有基因的特征。
Cell doi:10.1016/j.cell.2010.09.001
Long Noncoding RNAs with Enhancer-like Function in Human Cells
Ulf Andersson ?rom, Thomas Derrien, Malte Beringer, Kiranmai Gumireddy, Alessandro Gardini, Giovanni Bussotti, Fan Lai, Matthias Zytnicki, Cedric Notredame, Qihong Huang, Roderic Guigo, Ramin Shiekhattar.
Long noncoding RNAs activate neighboring protein-coding genes
Activating long ncRNAs behave similarly to classically defined enhancer elements
Depletion of Snail1 or its adjacent ncRNA-7a show similar cellular migration defects
While the long noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) constitute a large portion of the mammalian transcriptome, their biological functions has remained elusive. A few long ncRNAs that have been studied in any detail silence gene expression in processes such as X-inactivation and imprinting. We used a GENCODE annotation of the human genome to characterize over a thousand long ncRNAs that are expressed in multiple cell lines. Unexpectedly, we found an enhancer-like function for a set of these long ncRNAs in human cell lines. Depletion of a number of ncRNAs led to decreased expression of their neighboring protein-coding genes, including the master regulator of hematopoiesis, SCL (also called TAL1), Snai1 and Snai2. Using heterologous transcription assays we demonstrated a requirement for the ncRNAs in activation of gene expression. These results reveal an unanticipated role for a class of long ncRNAs in activation of critical regulators of development and differentiation.