来自中科院生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室,南开大学,北京大学等处的研究人员发现了线粒体融合过程中的一种新机制,这对于深入解析线粒体融合,以及相关的细胞凋亡,神经退行性疾病等具有重要意义。这一研究成果公布在Nature Communications上。
研究发现如果线粒体融合过程出错,错误的细胞就会死亡,进而导致疾病的发生,这其中就包括两种神经退行性疾病——dominant optic atrophy(显性视神经萎缩,导致失明的最常见遗传病因)和腓骨肌萎缩症(CMT,Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease)。因此一些研究人员开始分析这些疾病与线粒体融合之间的关系,但是由于线粒体的结构组成比较复杂,线粒体内外膜有所区别,所以对于对于这一方面了解不多。
在这篇文章中,研究人员发现一种重要的线粒体融合调控因子:Mitofusins (Mfns)与G-protein β2(Gβ2)亚基能共同调控线粒体融合过程,这揭示了线粒体融合的一种新机制,即Gβ2能通过与Mfn1相互作用,参与线粒体融合调控。
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms1099
G-protein β2 subunit interacts with mitofusin 1 to regulate mitochondrial fusion
Juan Zhang,Weihua Liu,Jianchao Liu,Weiming Xiao,Lei Liu,Chunsun Jiang,Xin Sun,Pingsheng Liu,Yushan Zhu,Chuanmao Zhang& Quan Chen
Mitofusins (Mfns) mediate the fusion of mitochondrial membranes. However, little is known about how Mfns are regulated to control mitochondrial fusion, which is a multistep process requiring tethering and docking of the outer membranes of two mitochondria. In this study, we report that guanine nucleotide binding protein-β subunit 2 (Gβ2), a WD40 repeats protein and a member of the β-subunits of the heterotrimeric G proteins, has a crucial function in mitochondrial fusion. Gβ2 was found to be enriched on the surface of mitochondria and interacted with mitofusin 1 (Mfn1) specifically. Gβ2 also regulated the mobility of Mfn1 on the surface of the mitochondrial membrane and affected the mitochondrial fusion. Depletion of endogenous Gβ2 resulted in mitochondrial fragmentation, which could be rescued by exogenous Gβ2. These findings have thus uncovered a novel role of Gβ2 in regulating mitochondrial fusion through its interaction with Mfn1.