2011年1月27日,北京生命科学研究所叶克穷实验室在《自然》杂志发表论文,该论文研究了C/D RNA蛋白质复合物催化RNA核糖甲基化的结构机理。
C/D RNA是普遍存在于真核生物和古细菌的一类古老的非编码RNA,它们主要介导核糖体RNA和剪切体RNA大量特定位点上的核糖甲基化修饰,同时参与真核生物核糖体的装配。在古细菌中,C/D RNA和甲基转移酶fibrillarin,RNA结合蛋白L7Ae和骨架蛋白Nop5形成复合物。C/D RNA能和修饰位点两边的碱基序列互补配对,而实现对底物的特异性选择。虽然对这个复合物的结构已经有较多研究,但二个基本问题仍然没有解决。首先C/D RNA是如何和蛋白质组装形成复合物的?其中经典的模型认为一条C/D RNA和两套蛋白结合形成所谓的“单体”结构,但是最近的研究认为两条C/D RNA和四套蛋白结合形成 “交叉双体”结构。第二个问题是C/D RNA如何指导甲基转移酶选择特定的修饰位点?
该论文报道了一个加载了底物的完整C/D RNA蛋白质复合物的3.15埃晶体结构。其中晶体X光衍射数据在上海光源生物大分子晶体学线站BL17U搜集。该结构首次显示了这个复杂分子机器的整体组装方式,为“单体”模型提供了直接的证据。这个结构还清楚的显示了底物RNA的结合方式和催化亚基选择特定修饰位点的方式。作者还发现,为了形成催化所需的活性状态,底物的加载诱发了复合物内部结构发生广泛的变化。
叶克穷实验室之前还详细研究了另一类催化假尿嘧啶形成的H/ACA RNA蛋白质复合物的结构。随着C/D RNA蛋白质复合物结构的解析,我们对生物体内两大类参与RNA修饰的复合物的工作原理均得到了在原子水平的认识。
Nature doi:10.1038/nature09688
Structural basis for site-specific ribose methylation by box C/D RNA protein complexes
Jinzhong Lin,Shaomei Lai,Ru Jia,Anbi Xu,Liman Zhang,Jing Lu& Keqiong Ye
Box C/D RNA protein complexes (RNPs) direct site-specific 2′-O-methylation of RNA and ribosome assembly1, 2, 3, 4. The guide RNA in C/D RNP forms base pairs with complementary substrates and selects the modification site using a molecular ruler5, 6, 7. Despite many studies of C/D RNP structure8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, the fundamental questions of how C/D RNAs assemble into RNPs and how they guide modification remain unresolved. Here we report the crystal structure of an entire catalytically active archaeal C/D RNP consisting of a bipartite C/D RNA associated with two substrates and two copies each of Nop5, L7Ae and fibrillarin at 3.15-? resolution. The substrate pairs with the second through the eleventh nucleotide of the 12-nucleotide guide, and the resultant duplex is bracketed in a channel with flexible ends. The methyltransferase fibrillarin binds to an undistorted A-form structure of the guide–substrate duplex and specifically loads the target ribose into the active site. Because interaction with the RNA duplex alone does not determine the site specificity, fibrillarin is further positioned by non-specific and specific protein interactions. Compared with the structure of the inactive C/D RNP, extensive domain movements are induced by substrate loading. Our results reveal the organization of a monomeric C/D RNP and the mechanism underlying its site-specific methylation activity.