近日来自文安德研究所(Van Andel,VARI)的科学家们在新研究中解析了一种孤核受体TR4的结构和功能,研究结果揭示维生素A在机体的某些生理功能包括精子形成及中枢神经系统发育中可能发挥了比原来预想的更为直接的作用。这一研究成果被选为“封面故事”发布在著名期刊《生物化学杂志》(Journal of Biological Chemistry)上。
“我们的研究证实维生素A具有激活孤核受体TR4的活性,”文安德研究所的科学家Edward Zhou博士说。
在这篇文章中,Edward Zhou和文安德研究所结构科学实验室的同事们在结构生物学和药物筛查中心主任徐华强(H. Eric Xu)的指导下,利用X射线晶体学技术确定了TR4配体结合域的结构。此外,研究人员证实TR4对多种启动子显示了组成性的转录活性,并且这一效应还可通过核受体共活化物进一步增强。当研究人员通过突变破坏辅助因子的结合、二聚化作用或配体结合证实可抑制TR4受体的转录活性。在这一研究中,他们还证实维生素A及维甲酸均能促进TR4招募共活化物从而进一步地促进激活TR4调控的启动子。
“近期的研究数据表明孤核受体在人体多种重要的生理功能中发挥关键性的作用,被科学家们广泛用于寻找人类疾病的药物靶标,”Edward Zhou说:“此外,鉴别核受体的配体也有助于研究人员开发人类疾病的新型治疗药物。其中一个非常成功的离子就是过氧化体增殖剂激活的受体(PPARs),目前人们利用这类受体的配体用于糖尿病的治疗。新研究结果为我们提供了一些新的潜在药物靶点。”
“因为TR4在精子形成、脂质和脂蛋白调控、中枢神经系统发育以及胚胎中血红蛋白生成调控中均发挥着重要的作用,由此我们推论出维生素A在人体中具有比我们原来所知道的还要重要的功能。”Edward Zhou说。(生物谷Bioon.com)
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.168740
The Orphan Nuclear Receptor TR4 Is a Vitamin A-activated Nuclear Receptor*?
X. Edward Zhou?,1, Kelly M. Suino-Powell?, Yong Xu?, Cee-Wah Chan?, Osamu Tanabe§, Schoen W. Kruse?,2, Ross Reynolds??, James Douglas Engel§ and H. Eric Xu?,3
Testicular receptors 2 and 4 (TR2/4) constitute a subgroup of orphan nuclear receptors that play important roles in spermatogenesis, lipid and lipoprotein regulation, and the development of the central nervous system. Currently, little is known about the structural features and the ligand regulation of these receptors. Here we report the crystal structure of the ligand-free TR4 ligand binding domain, which reveals an autorepressed conformation. The ligand binding pocket of TR4 is filled by the C-terminal half of helix 10, and the cofactor binding site is occupied by the AF-2 helix, thus preventing ligand-independent activation of the receptor. However, TR4 exhibits constitutive transcriptional activity on multiple promoters, which can be further potentiated by nuclear receptor coactivators. Mutations designed to disrupt cofactor binding, dimerization, or ligand binding substantially reduce the transcriptional activity of this receptor. Importantly, both retinol and retinoic acid are able to promote TR4 to recruit coactivators and to activate a TR4-regulated reporter. These findings demonstrate that TR4 is a ligand-regulated nuclear receptor and suggest that retinoids might have a much wider regulatory role via activation of orphan receptors such as TR4.