“这是我们第一次在线虫中鉴定出这些分子,并证实它们不仅可作为营养利用率的信号分子,并可最终影响线虫的寿命,”斯克里普斯研究院新陈代谢与老化系助理教授Matthew Gill博士说:“值得关注的是,在人类及线虫中都存在这些相同的分子,因此这些分子极有可能在两种生物体中发挥了相似的作用。”
在这篇文章中,科研人员鉴定出的是一类来自脂质的信号作用分子称为N-酰基乙醇胺(N-acylethanolamines ,NAEs)。过去的研究表明它能在哺乳动物中调控营养吸收和能量平衡。Gill及同事在新研究中证实节食可导致线虫中NAE的丰度显著下降,而仅仅NAE的缺乏就足以使得线虫寿命延长。
“众所周知当线虫处于节食状态时,它的寿命可延长40-50%。然而在新研究中我们惊奇地发现仅需要给予其中的一种NAE分子eicosapentaenoyl ethanolamide就可完全终止寿命的延长,”Gill说。
Nature DOI:10.1038/nature10007
N-acylethanolamine signalling mediates the effect of diet on lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans
Mark Lucanic, Jason M. Held, Maithili C. Vantipalli, Ida M. Klang, Jill B. Graham, Bradford W. Gibson, Gordon J. Lithgow & Matthew S. Gill
Dietary restriction is a robust means of extending adult lifespan and postponing age-related disease in many species, including yeast, nematode worms, flies and rodents1, 2. Studies of the genetic requirements for lifespan extension by dietary restriction in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have implicated a number of key molecules in this process3, 4, 5, including the nutrient-sensing target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway6 and the Foxa transcription factor PHA-4 (ref. 7). However, little is known about the metabolic signals that coordinate the organismal response to dietary restriction and maintain homeostasis when nutrients are limited. The endocannabinoid system is an excellent candidate for such a role given its involvement in regulating nutrient intake and energy balance8. Despite this, a direct role for endocannabinoid signalling in dietary restriction or lifespan determination has yet to be demonstrated, in part due to the apparent absence of endocannabinoid signalling pathways in model organisms that are amenable to lifespan analysis9. N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) are lipid-derived signalling molecules, which include the mammalian endocannabinoid arachidonoyl ethanolamide. Here we identify NAEs in C. elegans, show that NAE abundance is reduced under dietary restriction and that NAE deficiency is sufficient to extend lifespan through a dietary restriction mechanism requiring PHA-4. Conversely, dietary supplementation with the nematode NAE eicosapentaenoyl ethanolamide not only inhibits dietary-restriction-induced lifespan extension in wild-type worms, but also suppresses lifespan extension in a TOR pathway mutant. This demonstrates a role for NAE signalling in ageing and indicates that NAEs represent a signal that coordinates nutrient status with metabolic changes that ultimately determine lifespan.