美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的杨向东教授(X. William Yang)利用一种新的转基因小鼠模型来研究类亨廷顿舞蹈症,以便弄清驱动疾病发展的复杂分子事件。该研究成果发表在最新一期的《神经元》(Neuron)杂志上,表明亨廷顿舞蹈症(HD)和类亨廷顿舞蹈症之间有着共同的致病机制。
Neuron DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.03.021
An Antisense CAG Repeat Transcript at JPH3 Locus Mediates Expanded Polyglutamine Protein Toxicity in Huntington's Disease-like 2 Mice.
Wilburn Brian B,Rudnicki Dobrila D DD,Zhao Jing J,Weitz Tara Murphy TM,Cheng Yin Y,Gu Xiaofeng X,Greiner Erin E,Park Chang Sin CS,Wang Nan N,Sopher Bryce L BL,La Spada Albert R AR,Osmand Alex A,Margolis Russell L RL,Sun Yi E YE,Yang X William XW
Huntington's disease-like-2 (HDL2) is a phenocopy of Huntington's disease caused by CTG/CAG repeat expansion at the Junctophilin-3 (JPH3) locus. The mechanisms underlying HDL2 pathogenesis remain unclear. Here we developed a BAC transgenic mouse model of HDL2 (BAC-HDL2) that exhibits progressive motor deficits, selective neurodegenerative pathology, and ubiquitin-positive nuclear inclusions (NIs). Molecular analyses reveal a promoter at the transgene locus driving the expression of a CAG repeat transcript (HDL2-CAG) from the strand antisense to JPH3, which encodes an expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) protein. Importantly, BAC-HDL2 mice, but not control BAC mice, accumulate polyQ-containing NIs in a pattern strikingly similar to those in the patients. Furthermore, BAC mice with genetic silencing of the expanded CUG transcript still express HDL2-CAG transcript and manifest polyQ pathogenesis. Finally, studies of HDL2 mice and patients revealed CBP sequestration into NIs and evidence for interference of CBP-mediated transcriptional activation. These results suggest overlapping polyQ-mediated pathogenic mechanisms in HD and HDL2.