Eric Brown、Gerard Wright和同事合作,将治疗帕金森氏症、癌症、炎症和其他疾病的药物与抗生素共同使用,试图寻找混合药物比单个药物效果更好的病例。他们鉴别出非抗生素药物能弱化细菌细胞的几种病例,从而让现有的抗生素能杀死这些细菌。洛派丁胺是一种治疗腹泻的药物,他们特别指出,通过干涉正常的细胞膜功能,洛派丁胺能让细菌细胞对各种四环素类抗生素产生敏感性,这是一个意外发现。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Nature Chemical Biology DOI:10.1038/nchembio.559
Combinations of antibiotics and nonantibiotic drugs enhance antimicrobial efficacy
Linda Ejim; Maya A Farha; Shannon B Falconer; Jan Wildenhain; Brian K Coombes; Mike Tyers; Eric D Brown; Gerard D Wright
Combinations of antibiotics are commonly used in medicine to broaden antimicrobial spectrum and generate synergistic effects. Alternatively, combination of nonantibiotic drugs with antibiotics offers an opportunity to sample a previously untapped expanse of bioactive chemical space. We screened a collection of drugs to identify compounds that augment the activity of the antibiotic minocycline. Unexpected synergistic drug combinations exhibited in vitro and in vivo activity against bacterial pathogens, including multidrug–resistant isolates.